The rain has returned and our mommy is falling into her usual after tax season funk so I thought it was the perfect time to remind her of my wise advice from way back in 2012. Here's a rerun which she needs to hear again. Okay, maybe I'm hoping she makes another cake so we have frosting. A Tortie can dream! Anyway, hope you take my advice to heart too!
Yay it's Tortie Tuesday and it's also Tax Day! We had to help Mommy work an extra day this year since yesterday was the Emancipation holiday in Washington, DC so the whole country got an extra day to invest in their IRAs and to file their taxes today...

But now it's time to get back to normal around here. One of the things Mommy doesn't like about tax season is that so many things get put on hold because she's working so much. My wise Tortie advice is that life is too short to be put on hold! I even convinced Mommy that it's okay to take a cake decorating class she's always wanted to and she listened! Here's her first cake that she made last Thursday:

She said it was more stressful than a 6 hour tax return but she did have fun. We love the buttercream frosting and can't wait for the next 8 weeks of cakes!
Huh, what's that Mommy? Why are the next cakes going to Daddy's work? Can we at least have some frosting?
Anyway, today's lesson is: Life is too short, enjoy the frosting!
If there's something you've always wanted to do - do it!
Hope you have a very Happy Tortie Tuesday!