We're on our pillows enjoying a nap while getting ready to watch football today. Or maybe we'll just sleep right through the games.

Mommy was tagged and received several awards last week. We didn't realize she hadn't posted them so while we're napping, we're making her take care of business. So Mommy, please take over...
I'm pretty tardy in getting these posted and I apologize for that. First I want to start with this tag from Karen at
Zemeks blog which is the very first meme tag I've received. It's the "Have You Ever?" meme so here goes...
1. Have you ever been on TV? Not to my knowledge I haven't.2. Have you ever sung in public? Just in school programs but even then I didn't sing very loud so not sure anyone heard me!3. Have you ever dyed your hair blond? Only a few highlights here and there but never totally.4. Have you ever eaten frog legs? Not that I'm aware of but I remember being at a cabin in the Ozarks as a kid where my dad and some friends of my parents went out on midnight frog hunts so I know I was around frog legs but I sure don't remember eating any myself. 5. Have you ever received a present that you really hated? I've received presents that I didn't like but don't think I really hated any. My likes are too well known - get me anything with cats or dogs on it and I'm happy!6. Have you ever walked into a lamppost? No, not yet!7. Have you ever cooked a meal by yourself for more than 15 people? I don't think I've cooked a meal for more than 2 people - I hate to cook!8. Have you ever fallen or stumbled in front of others? Oh yeah, I'm good at this. Usually only my husband sees me though since it happens most often on forest trails!9. Have you ever done volunteer work? Yes, although not as much as I'd like. Most recently we helped box up and later hand out those boxes of food for the community food drive over the holidays. After tax season I plan on signing up to volunteer to take books to people who can't make it to the library for one reason or another. I love to read and want to help others be able to have access to the books they want to read also. ******************************************************
Now on to some wonderful awards I received last week.
I received this lovely award from
TiLT Creations. She is a talented Etsyian that makes beautiful bags and accessories. Her blog is one of my daily visits because I always learn something and enjoy her posts very much. Be sure to visit her blog and you'll see why! This is what she said about me when giving me this award that just made my day:
"I'd like to pass this award on to...well, there are too many to name...so for now I will pass it on to someone who finds friends beyond just people and goes out of her way to help the furry friends...Beaded Tail- she also makes great jewelry..."
I received this Friendship Flower Award from Hannah Fanna from
The Big Hannah Montana Fan blog. She has a fun blog and is an animal lover which makes her tops in my book! Hannah, I appreciate this award very much!
Abby from
Simply Charming in SC gave me this "Fab" award! I just recently discovered Abby's blog but it quickly became one of my favorites. It's obvious from her blog that she has a huge heart and she is also a very talented jewelry designer. Thank you for the award Abby!
Hot Rocks awarded me this Noblesse Oblige Award which is a very special award for blogs that have these attributes:
1. The Blogger manifests exemplary attitude, respecting the nuances that pervades amongst different cultures and beliefs.
2. The Blog contents inspire; it strives to encourage and offers solutions.
3. There is a clear purpose at the Blog; one that fosters a better understanding on Social, Political, Economic, the Arts, Culture and Sciences, and Beliefs.
4. The Blog is refreshing and creative.
5. The Blogger promotes friendship and positive thinking.
I am honored to receive this award and I hope I live up to those standards. I try to promote animal awareness issues through my blog and have made it a goal for 2009 to do so even more. I hope to do a small part in making this world a better place for animals and people alike. Thank you so much for this award!
Last but not least, I received the Sisterhood award from Lily at
Tulips Talking. Lily is a very special friend who inspires me in more ways than she knows. She is a extremely talented jewelry designer and also has the most caring heart for people and furbabies alike. I am truly blessed to be able to call her my friend! Lily, thank you so much for everything!
Thank you all so much for the awards! I sincerely appreciate each one! And thanks Karen for the meme tag - it was fun! I was also tagged by
Beadin by the Sea but am still trying to figure out random things about me so will post that one at a later date. Thanks again everyone! Have a great Sunday!