It's Sadieday! It's also the last day of July - where's the summer going? Well, we better make the most of it so let's get started on today's stroll! Are you ready? Let's go!

The weeds are pretty tall so I'll keep my tail up so you can see me.

Ruh roh, I hear something so tail down 'cause if it's a squirrel or deers, I don't want it to see me before I see it...

Must have been a bird or something so tail back up and let's keep going...

Do you see that? No, not the trees in the distance - the weeds up close!

My kitty sisfurs can't resist Temptations and guess I can't resist my own temptation either - off roading!

I hope you have a chance to enjoy your temptations too - whatever they may be!
Have a Happy Sadieday!