This is getting way out of paw!


PeeS: Although the neighbor introoder cat Dooney looks purrfectly content in the ugly rock bed off the deck, Mommy says she's finally got an idea of what to do with it and plans are in place to fix it up very soon. I suggest we make it less cat furiendly so they stay in their own yard and out of MY yard!
introooders are here again? Maybe you should go out and sniff them out Sadie :D that could be fun on a sunny day.
Wow, Dooney must find it sooo comfortable napping on the bare rocks! Can't imagine Sammy lying down there ever :)
I hope you wouldn't turn ME away if I came to your yard to woo you lovely ladies!!
That intruder looks so comfy too!!!
Maybe the rocks have been warmed by the sun??
Why do you think the intruders like to hang out in your yard so much?
Dooney's quite cute but nowhere near as cute as you all are.
We think you should go out and bark at these intruder cats so that they don't come back, Sadie!
Well Sadie I think the time may have come. You are just going to have to go outside and have a little Wuff with that cat.Time to set up some rules.
Woos Sadie, Now do not tell woo Mom this, but I say go out and Bark at it! It is time for that cat to understand that this is your yard!
~husky kisses~
-Kira The BeaWootiful
Unfortunately, we think the introoders know that they are safe in your yard, Sadie! We know you are a really nice woofie and they probably know that too.
P.S. the rock bed looks like a wonderful place for a special garden! Not sure what ideas your mom has, but we'd love to hear about them. Our mom likes to put actual rocks in gardens - we have them everywhere.
I am thinking the only thing that might help is planting some cactus! If kitty can be comfortable sleeping on rocks... well... :)
xo Catherine
What a great yard yours must be to have so many kitties hanging out there.
That is a beautiful kitty tho
Can't wait to see what you do with it. Not sure I would always like seeing cats outside my window especially if they weren't mine. LOL
That is too bad that the introoooders come over to your house all the time. For some reason, we go to our neighbors too and it drives our Mom nuts that we do that. But we do get under the buildings over there because they don't like cats at all. Maybe there is an introoder in their yard that is chasing them over to your yard.
Have a great day.
Well, if they are anything like our neighbor's kitties then your new bed will only mean one thing--a litter box:)
Your introoder kitty looks a lot like our introoder kitty, Bijou!
We have a black cat visitor too. The neighbors black cat Aladdin comes over to sleep in our hay
We think Dooney wants to be furriends!
I think Dooney is a little nutty if he prefers to sleep in a rock bed instead of some soft grass... or better yet, in a cat bed inside!
I'm with Kira The BeaWOOtiful!
That would be a great place to set up a special guard station for Miss Sadie - on kitty patrol:)
Woos ~ Phantom, Thunder, and Ciara
those neighbors sure do seem to like your yard. I wonder how much they'll like it once your mom is done with it
Dooney definitely looks comfortable! Can't wait to see what you do with the rock bed! Happy Wednesday! :)
I agree, a little less cat friendly is definitely in order!
Poor Sadie.
Sadie, I don't think it's very nice at ALL of those kit-cats to hang out in your yard without asking!!! You should stare at them. And narrow your eyes. That's what I'd do!
Oh, that cat is BAD! Dooney is teasing you, Sadie. He knows very well that you are in the window. I think your mommy should open the door super quick so you could get that kitty!
Oh man, we have the same trouble. Keep an eye on that fluffy, sweetie!
Well of all the nerve! Humph! That introoder needs to leave!
aahhh...but Dooney does provide some entertainment.
Humph! We don't like introoder kitties either! We think your mom has a good idea...'cept right now it doesn't look real cat friendly and Dooney is still there!
Yeah! 'Cos it's a bit of a cheek introoding in yoor garden, all da time.
Can't wait to see what your Mom does! I bet you would like it if she put up a fence! Love, Moon
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