It's Tortie Tuesday! Today is another one of those days when I don't know what to say. It doesn't happen too often that I'm speechless so I'll do my best to come up with something.

Hmmm. I'm thinking really hard...

Nope. Nothing. Nada. 

Today's lesson is there is not a need to ever say too much. Just be content in being. I'm quite content being me. Being in the sun with my Jelly Bean doesn't hurt either!
Have a Happy Tortie Tuesday!
You don't need to say anything, Isabella. Just looking super cute is fine!
p.s. Sammy loves his jelly bean too!
Just sit there and look pretty, Isabella! That's enough for us!!
Your pink jelly bean looks fabulous with your cute face and furs! We think you don't need to say a thing, Isabella, your beauty speaks volumes!
I have to remember that--sometimes silence is okay.
Sometimes just sitting in quietness ~ taking in the images around you ~ and saying nothing is OK too. Especially when you have a sweet kitty face to stare into! :)
xo Catherine
Yes Isabella sometimes we just have to lay back and relax. No Audio is necessary.
Well, I'm glad you told me that was a jelly bean because I was trying to figure it out! Happy Tortie Tuesday cutie pie!
So cute. I had two torties and recently had to put them down, it was sad, but so nice to see yours. They are smart and have a mind of their own don't they!
Hi Isabella! We think that it is important that you spend some time just relaxing with your jelly bean - they are great for relaxing with!!
Sometimes a little nip is all you need.
Now, I don't know what to say! I just dropped by to say Hello and Happy Tuesday sweet Isabella! Say Hi to your Mom for me too, okay?
WE love the jelly beans to Isabella. It is OK with us if you don't say anything. Sometimes we are speechless too. You can't compete with cuteness.
I think the jellybean says it all!
I seem to be having more and more of those days myself. I think I'll give the Jelly Bean a try. Hey, at this point, it couldn't hurt :)
Me and Duke have been having the same problem Isabella, don't feel bad. Must be the heat getting to us all. Have a great Tuesday
Isabella, pretty girls don't have to say anything!!
As 'they' say, sometimes the best thing to say is 'no thing'
PeeEssWoo: Hi Sadie!
Isabella, you just need to show up to make a statement. You have such expressive eyes. Enjoy your 'nip Jelly Bean!
Sniffie and the Florida Furkids
How very Zen!
Happy Tortie Tuesday 'cause I'm a Tortie too. :-) I like that jellybean and the sun puddle.
We agree, you don't have to say a mew. Just hang with your bean and be cute....
Being content with yourself is so important! I hope you're having a fantastic Tuesday! :)
Sometimes there's no need to say anything! A picture can say a thousand words! Love, Moon
I think looking at the world upside can be quite enlightening.
I was trying to figure out what that pink thing was:)
You and your bean are enough to enchant us.
Dear Isabella,
What can you possibly say when you are curled up in the sun with a Casbah jelly bean?! Does life get any better?! aaaahhhhh....catnip on the brain!
Oliver and Earnest
PS: We think you are beautiful! In fact, we have fights over who thinks you are the most beautiful1
Miss Isabella, I would shower you in jelly beans for one look in my direction...
I think rolling around in a sunbeam with a toy says loads!
Tail wags,
So it was sort of a Tacit Tortie Tuesday:) No words needed when you are as cute as this.
Woos - Phantom, Thunder, and Ciara
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