What is happening to MY front yard? Is there a sign out there that says "Cats welcome here"? 

Remember how I told you about the neighbor cats Dooney & Bourke introoding on MY property? Well, they obviously put out a memo about MY property because you see that?...

It's their big sisfur Jasper!

She is looking so comfy and cozy on MY rocks that Mommy thought something was wrong with her so at first I was a little concerned but only because Mommy was concerned. After carefully watching her breathe, and seeing her move, my concern was gone and once again I had to contend with an introoder on MY property! I mean, can she feel any more at home?

I was asked on my last post if I bark at the introoders and no, I don't bark at them - I only bark when a human walks up my driveway and especially up to my front door. I do chase the introoders when they come into my fenced yard but so far I haven't caught them yet - they are quick little brats. I don't chase my little kitty sisfurs even when they tempt me by running by me like their tail is on fire. Why do cats do this? Did they suddenly remember they have to be somewhere else and must get there at warp speed? Anyway, I need to get back to watching for introoders...
Hope you have a relaxing, non-introoder filled day!
Hmmm... I don't know Sadie... perhaps your rocks are softer than at this kitty's own house or perhaps the sun is more warm or perhaps there is so many 'love vibes' around your home it just feels good to be in your yard. :)
That's very nice that you don't bark at kitty though ~ you are such a good girl!!!
Have a lovely day!
xo Catherine & Banjo - who is up early with me and standing on my lap looking at my computer making it hard for me to type and which also means his butt is in my face....oh yeah...real nice... :(
oooooooooo... introooders again :) Ahhh... maybe the word got out that your yard is the BEST and the most shaded one for a powernap :D
Jasper looks so contented in her sleep.
I usually chase the cats that come into my yard.. and i can run real fast... but they go up the big mango tree faster.
Have a great day watching them introoders ya Sadie.
woofs & licks,
That's a pretty BOOTIFUL intruder my friend...
It's a bit like Introoder TV isn't it? Except yoo can't change the channel! MOL!
Oh you did make me laugh! Poor Sadie with those kitties on YOUR garden (shame shame!!)
Thanks for putting the Rumblepurr widget on your blog too we are down in 3rd place and in desperate need of more votes. Rumble's mum and I am hoping to plan a recruitment campaign and more blog posts.
PS I hope the cats stay out of your garden :-))
Your yard must be THE place to be. Maybe they're hoping Isabella and Angel will come out to play?
That introoder is very sweet. My kitties like to run at warp speed for no reason too. Have a good day!
Jasper sure has made herself riht at home, hasn't she?
alwyas enjoy your puppy posts Sadie :-)♥♥
That does look like some kind of conspiracy. If you keep getting more and more of them then you know you have an invasion on your hands. If you need help, let me know. I'll send Claudia over. She loves to investigate cats.
Well Sadie I hope they don't take over.
That is the most relaxed intruder I have ever seen. Maybe next she'll be getting her mail over at your house and having pizzas delivered.
Sadie, you should be glad the neighbor cats like your garden. No mice, or varmints in a garden patrolled by cats, even sleeping cats like Jasper. Looks to me like Jasper has put away quite a few varmints in that plump tummy of hers.
I know introoders can be a hassle. But the kitty looks so peaceful.
Maybe if they don't keep up too much ruckus...
That is how BroFur spends some of his day at my place!
Only he tends to prefer his head been on the right!
Oh the things we put up with!
We think all those kitty intruders know what a wonderful home you have there and want to find out more so they can get their humans to do the same.
Hope you have a quieter day today, Sadie.
Woos ~ Phantom, Thunder, and Ciara
Rocks can be very comfy for napping. Too bad Jasper wants to use yours though.
That introoder is sure making herself at home! Good thing she's so cute :)
Jasper sure is a cute introoder! I wouldn't mind intruders like Jasper. All we ever get are coyotes, foxes and bears.
She's a pretty kitty. But you know it's a testament to the good vibes coming from your house that the kitties all like to rest there - safe and sound!
I don't understand why kitties introode on other people's property. The rocks must feel good. That just does not sound right, though. Soft rocks?
Well Sadie, that is really nice of you not to bark at the introoooders. They do look like nice cats. We go over to our neighbors sometimes too and Mom cannot figure out why. Cats just like to wander around I guess. That is such a good way to explain cats running, mom laughed out loud at that one.
Keep your eyes on those introoooders.
She does look happy and comfortable. The rocks are probably warm from the sun.
The cats looks so comfy on those rocks. My dog would be going nuts if he saw cat. She would bark up a storm.
Poor Sadie...I do have to say though, that those rocks must be so nice and warm, and being nice and smooth, the kittehs must be getting some wonderful heat from them...hmm...I might have to go and lie on those rocks..it might be like a hot rock massage!
Oh Sadie...those rocks DO look a bit comfy!
Jasper does look right at home on your rocks Sadie. She's obviously very comfortable.
You are much better than Duke about barking, he barks at anything that moves outside
Sadie, the neighbor kitties obviously know you are a soft touch - that is why they are taking advantage.
That looks like a nice, cool place for the introoder to be sleeping on top of those rocks. We have an introoder too - a kitty who is always running by our house with a snake or a mouse in his mouth - eww! I'm so glad I don't have to hunt for my food. Love, Moon
Cats think that everything is better with their scent on it.
Don't worry Sadie, you're not alone. I have found that cats like to play with the minds of all non-cat lifeforms. As for suddenly running around like crazy? Well, I think it's in their DNA, because ours do it all the time.
I hope you have a more relaxing day :)
Hehehe! Super cute post ;)
Our Boston Terrier/Jack Russell Terrier mix would not be as patient & calm with such kitty visitors, Sadie's awesome.
She does look comfy!
The cat is happy. We have rabbits and they drive my dog crazy.
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