It's Tortie Tuesday! Today I'm going to show that cats do indeed rule the roost. I was just laying here on the couch and instead of moving me, Mommy sat down on the floor in front of the couch. Proof that we rule! 

One thing I didn't think through is now her back is to me making it difficult for her to pet me and cuddle with me. Hmmm. This ruling thing didn't work out quite as planned. 

I'll just have to figure out another way to display my ruling powers I guess. Any suggestions?
Hope you have a royally good Tortie Tuesday!
You should talk to Au about this. He has us all under his paw!
My suggestion would be leave room on the lounge fro mum then you get the best of both worlds.
Yay - Cats rule!
You look particularly adorable today, Isabella - maybe you could bend the rules a little and give mommy some space on the couch!
It's very obvious that you do rule the roost but I can see how your moms back to you would present a problem. I'm sure you'll figure it out though
Well Isabella that is a tough one.Of course I think mommy already knows who the boss is.So if you want the petting, you had better scooch over a bit.
Hmmm...perhaps you need to give her a good poke so she'll turn around. Isn't there something about turning your back on royalty? I thought all peons were required to back out of the room, etc. by law (maybe you should review the rules again just in case :o)
We think that you just need to keep looking as adorable as you are and she will not be able to resist cuddling you!
That is too cute! What a nice mommy. :)
Happy Tortie Tuesday!
Well, next time I guess she will have to stand by the couch so she can still reach and pet you!
Well, you do rule the roost, Isabella!! Why don't you pat her on the back with your paws and don't stop until she turns around and starts paying attention to you?? That should work!
Is that like me staying curled up in a little ball all night, cramped and un-comfy so that I don't disturb Banjo who is all stretched out on my side of the bed? Oh you kitties... you have us under your spell... :)
I think you have plenty of powers over mom and no matter what you do ~ you will be displaying them!
Big kiss Isabella!
xo Catherine
It's fun to take the best places "just because you can" but then you have to get up and find a lap when you need petting. It is best to exercise your power so your people don't forget.
I think you're doing great, Isabella (and those photos are CUTE to the max!) My humans make me move all the time - it's completely unfair!
XXX from Tasha
The solution would be to somehow get her to lift you and place you back on her lap. But how to let her know that is the rule?
Happy Tortie Tuesday are beautiful..So am I,,cause I am a Tortie tool
We just think you need to find a spot where she can pet you that is a good place to nap. Maybe the arm of the sofa would work. Our dad is that way too - he hates to move us if we are sleeping. But our mom has no problem with picking us up - but she will usually hold us and pet us. You could try that too - get her to pick you up and pet you!
I guess you can't have it all!
You could go sit in her lap...but that would involve moving
We are sooooo able to change the khourse of human events!
PeeEssWoo: Hi Sadie!
What a good mommy you have to sit on the floor so you can have the whole couch :)
Of course you're not spoiled!
This is actually not your problem, Isabella. Your human just needs to take a lot of Yoga so she becomes flexible enough to easily turn around to pet and cuddle you.
LOL, and our Mom thought she was the only one sitting on the floor. We just take up all the chairs but when she gets on the floor it is so much fun.Isabella, you will just have to get on the floor with Mom to get those snuggles. But we still rule, no question. Have a great day.
Sometimes it is not good to get what you want because it is not necessarily what you REALLY want! It's a good thing kitties change their minds so frequently.
Use her shirt to sharpen your claws, silly.
We 'beans like to think we rule. But I know you guys are at the top of the heap!
Great photos!
For all the folks (I consider cats and dogs as persons) reading this, my blog has stories and information helpful for cat helpers everywhere.
I wish for all the cat blogosphere kitties to stay well!
Maybe your Mommy knew that it's bad luck to move a sleeping cat? Once she's settled in front of the couch, then you should jump down and stroll casually away.
We say turn around and gently knead your nail tips into her back...she'll get the message and pay attention to you then!
Well Isabella, from the look on your face, I have a feeling that you are already coming up with a plan :)
One thing you might try is leaving just enough space for your mommy to sit and then move unto her lap when she get settled.
I know that you'll think of something.
Mabye you can give her a gentle nudge with that furry paw and then bat your eyes at her and purr a sweet song.
Woos - Phantom, Thunder, and Ciara
WOW look at that!
no worries, Isabella, you still rule! (Perhaps a little merow or two, or even a puurrr would help.)
Maybe you could pet Mommy for a change! hahaa!! Love, Moon
You're my hero, Isabella!!!
Play bows,
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