Are the fireworks over? Is it safe to come out yet?

I'm all for a celebration but I prefer toys and treats and niptinis to fireworks. I'm just glad it's all over with - at least until next year.
Did you hide from the fireworks like I did? My sisfur Sadie doesn't like them either but Isabella could care less one way or the other. She's one of those very mellow cats that isn't disturbed by anything, not even big trucks or doorbells. She's weird.
Anyway, hope you have a nice quiet Monday!
Oh Angel, I am a human who does not like fireworks either and I understand how you feel!!!
Do you ladies need us to come over and keep you safe? Cause we will you know!!
I've never been big on fireworks either. When my husband and I were still an item...he'd cross the state line and purchase a bucket load of that crap for our oldest son.
I always cringed whenever one of 'em went off...thinking to myself....oh my God..there goes a finger!!!
I use to like fireworks when I was a young man. Now I think they are just a nuisance.We are glad they are over also.
We don't like fireworks either! We hope you had a great 4th of July despite that, though!
I am glad you don't have to hide any more - I am like Isabella: it didn't really bother me. But they weren't too close either. Mom and Dad watched three sets of fireworks on TV. They were wonderul.
Our cats actually handled the noise better than our dog did--Abby climbed up on the bed with us because she was scared. Try sleeping with a big furry dog on a HOT night with firecrackers booming that made me feel as though I was in a war zone! Not good.
We're glad they are over with too Angel! (until New Year's that is). The horses hate fireworks, but we spend our evening in the pasture with them to keep everyone calm.
We are glad they are over, too!
I've always loved fireworks but I could do without the noise. Duke didn't seem to mind them so much. He was getting too close for my comfort to the the bottle rockets his dad kept setting off.
Poor Angel! Luckily ~ our Canada Day fireworks were on the other side of the city so we couldn't really hear or see them otherwise I think Banjo would have been under the covers too!
Fireworks aren't 'legal' in Canada so they can only be set off in a controlled environment. (With firefighters near by!) So after about 15 minutes ~ they are all done. We can sleep soundly! :)
Have a Happy Day ladies!
xo Catherine
I hid too!
Angel, you look so cute under there!
We were fortunate this year in that they set off the fireworks across town and for some reason, they were quieter than usual. And our humans think we are getting used to them because VT sets off fireworks all the time for various occasions (those are closer, so we still sometimes hide).
We've had two nights of booms and I'm afraid they have leftovers that will go off tonight. I sure don't like it for the kitties who hang out in my bushes!
Poor Angel! We don't really get fireworks waaayyy out here, but thunder is close, and Arwen HATES thunder. She shakes and whines and then wedges herself between the tub and toilet in the bathroom and waits for hours after to come out...unless I bribe her with copious amounts of peanut butter. Even then, that doesn't always work.
Hope today is better for you!
I'm not a huge fan of them -
I just hung out in the house whilst Mom was out at the edge of the yard with the flashie beastie -
Mom and I always think it is really the khemikhal smell that gets me going - my snooter is furry bothered by the stuff I snoof from them!
PeeEssWoo: Hi Sadie!
We spent most of our time, I mean cleaning under the bed. Gotta keep on top of those dust bunnies!
Poor Angel.. the fireworks must be terrifying for a kitty like you. Its all over now. The coast is all clear :) Happy Independence Day Angel, Sadie & Is
Dear Angel,
I remember when our little Pom Coquette would hide under our bed when fireworks went off. She was petrified. Don't worry. It's only one day a year.
We got lucky this year, not too many fireworks and not too long. We HATES boomies. Poor Grayce almost comes outta her fur suit!
You can come out now Angel. We all dove under the beds here. Mommy was so worried about the kitties outside but everyone was accounted for this morning. Guess we all need to spend the entire day taking naps.
Have a great week.
Super photo!
It's about time those stupid fireworks were over. They didn't bother me too much since my human seemed undisturbed by them, but they were annoying.
I agree, they're so loud! Plus I always get nervous that someone will get hurt. Hope you had a fantastic Fourth!
Poor Angel - but we do have to smile at how cute you look hiding under there.
We got lucky, it rained so not too many bang bangs here.
Woos - Phantom, Thunder, and Ciara
I like the pretty fireworks, but NOT the noisy ones! Every year, we put the air conditioner on for days before and after the 4th because the fools around here think it is a week-long celebration. Ugh. Hobbes gets VERY scared of the noise and goes running for cover.
Oh, Angel! I sure hope it's all over! I was as brave as I could be, but had enough last night and was VERY unhappy! Mom said it's really bad when I can hear them -- I'm almost completely deaf!!! That's how loud it all was!!!
I hope you're OK - what a stressful time!
Tail wags,
It's safe now. We don't hear them way out where we live.
I didn't hide! I just snuggled up to my Mom, my protector. Isabella's brave! Love, Moon
We have them quite often and we all stay in bed!
Our woofies were scared. Some people must be confused 'cause we heard more tonight.
Sniffie and the Florida Furkids
Oh Angel, that is the cutest photo EVER! Smoochies.
Harley does pretty well with the fireworks, but his sisfur used to HATE them!!!
Hope you get to enjoy some niptinis that word :)
Oh yeah, Koko spent the evening under our bed. They were going nuts in our neighborhood. The people behind us must have spent hundreds of dollars on illegal fireworks (the kind that shoot in the air). My wife and our youngest had fun watching them from our was actually better than the fireworks the city put on.
Oh, and Yum Yum was just fine and spent the evening in the living room.
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