Since our mommy is a CPA (she says it means Certified Public Accountant but we know it means Cat's Personal Assistant) and since this is our last post of the year, we wanted to remind you that although charities appreciate donations all year, today is the last day for your cash or non-cash donations to count on your 2009 tax return.
Many charities accept cash donations securely online and will provide a dated receipt immediately after the donation is submitted. Donations by personal check must be in the mail today or taken to a local charity in person. You cannot deduct a cash contribution, regardless of the amount, without proper documentation. This can be in the form of a receipt from the charity, a copy of your cleared check or bank statement, or a credit card statement.
If money is tight these days, there are probably things around your home that you no longer use or want and are in good condition, that you can donate and be able to deduct the value of the items now, not what they cost new. Many communities have thrift shops that sell items to help support charities. In our town, the thrift shop we donate items to supports the local humane society and we're taking in a donation today! This is a relatively painless way to help support causes important to you while clearing your home of unwanted items. It's a win-win situation!
We hope you have a safe and Happy New Years Eve!