We had a visitor the other day checking us out. Do you think it could be one of Santa's Elves?

Hi there buddy! Can you tell Santa that I've been furry good this year?

Hey Isabella, should we give him our list for Santa? Maybe we should invite him in for some nip!

Sadie, did you scare our visitor away?

Hopefully he saw that we are all being good (even though Sadie wasn't a nice host) so we get lots of presents next week!
Have a wonderful day!
I don't think that was an elf - don't they wear funny hats? I think it was a spy! He probably wants to see if you guys get good treats and nip, and if you do, con some out of your human! And I'm sure he could do that easily, with his good looks.
Santa's spy! How cool! I'm sure his report will be a good one and you'll get lots of presents.
It was a very cute visitor
very cool I think it was a "he"
Kareltje =^.^=
Awww...your furry visitor is very cute. Too bad he couldn't stay long.
We have a big, white cat visiting us now and then, but he seems to be scared of Sammy! LOL.
Guess Sadie can be a bit intimidating :)
Such a sweet little visitor.
Hopefully (s)he lives with a wonderful warm family such as yourselves do. Perhaps he will come back for a little visit some other time.
But just incase it was a Santa Elf Spy ~ perhaps be extra good ~ which I know won't be hard for the 3 of you! :)
Aww so cute!
It probably was a Santa spy.I know you ladies have been good.So you have nothing to worry about.I think Sadie was just a little curious.
That sure did look like Santa's Elf! We're sure he got enough info to know you girls were on the 'nice' list this year!
Gosh, I didn't realize he actually sent spies around. I better watch out!
I think that Santa's Spy is there to see what toys you already have so he can report to Santa what toys you need!
Love the pic of all three of them at the window :)
Don't worry girls...Santa knows you were good :)
Whoever (s)he was, they sure are cute! And we know your all on the Good List!
That sure is a cute spy. I think you should invite him, her in for a little nip. Then he could really scope out your toys and see what you need.
I think Sadie did just fine!
PeeEssWoo: Hi Sadie!
Aww, poor kitty! I feel so bad for homeless kitties! I think he was seeing how blessed you all are to have a safe, happy and healthy forever home :)
What a nice visitor you had last day!
Nice...you made new friends...
Lots of orange cats showing up on doorsteps lately....hmmmm
That cannot be an elf-look at how her back is arched at my :) beawootiful Angel. And I got a kick out of the last photo--good ole Sadie staking her territory; no more cats on her property!
Oh, the orange kitty looks so much like my cat Ace- could be his long lost brother. It won't be long now til' Christmas! Be good everyone!
Very cute! Your kids stories would make great children's books.
I'm betting it was an elf, we had one at our back door the other day too. He didn't look the same as your elf but all the same he was checking things out.
We're sure that was an elf in cats clothing!! We think Sadie did her job and you are guaranteed lots of great presents!!
Sniffie and the Florida Furkids
Too bad Sadie scared him away! It would have been nice to have him join you both for some nip!!
What a pretty visitor you had - we are sure he had only good things to share with Santa.
Woos, Phantom and Thunder
Hey! That looks an awful lot like Hobbes coming to visit! Are you sure it wasn't him????
Ha ha, no Lin, it's not Hobbs, it's my Red Kitty!! No, he's not fat enough but I do remember when Red was younger, had big orange eyes, and looked like this elf!! And thanks for shopping at my Etsy store today, Sharla!! I really appreciate your business and no time to drop today, back to work!!
He is a cute little elf, and I sure hope he has a home!
Well, it wasn't Calle Cat at any rate!
By the way, your Mommie is a great photographer of you four-footed-folk. You all are not so easy to take pics of.
Christmas Blessings!
Thanks for visiting my blog and commenting!!
Ohh, how good that you have a puppy to help guard your house! And such a cute puppy too!
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