Santa brought really fun presents this year so I thought I'd show you a few of the things we got. He must have known that my old scratchers were shrinking on the floor (it can't be cause I'm getting bigger) so he got me a really big scratcher! I loved it so much I slept on it all night long!

It's so big that my sisfur Isabella fits on it with me! She doesn't know how to use a scratcher but she likes to lick up the catnip.

Another fun thing we got was a Dr. Squidmonster from the CasbahKitten!
It's got lots of nip in it and it's big enough to bunny kick which I love to do!

I love all my presents Santa! Santa? Why are you dancing on the ceiling? I think I need to lay off the nip for a bit.

My sisfur Isabella will have to show you what else we got tomorrow while I recoup from all my nip induced, scratching and bunny kicking frenzy.
Hope you have a groovy day!
Oooo, that is one mighty fine squid.... MUM!!!!!! Where is the card?!?!
Angel! I have a scratcher just like yours!! They're the bestest aren't they?
Momma laughed and laughed at you with the're so funny.
Can't wait to see what else you got!
Mom said we need a scratcher like that ~ 'cos maybe then we'll leave her dresser alone! Tee hee.
We liked our presents too--especially the laser beam toy. Abby even got us a present that's pretty cool--a long cat tunnel! We got cat grass again this year but last year's home grown was better.
Manny and Spunky Doodle
My dad's cats used to love those cat scratches too, and, of course the catnip that was rubbed on them! Cute that Angel slept on it!
Well it certainly looks like you kitties had a good Christmas!
That is too cute. Love the Squidmaster. Our mom needs to check into getting one of those. And love the fact that you see Santa on the ceiling. Watch out for that nip.
Oh wow, you guys got some furry pawsome toys!
Our mom wanted to let your mom know the earrings were a huge hit! Everyone loved them! Your mom does great work!
Oh that Squidmonster looks like so much fun!
It's still thehlidays, Angel! Enjoy yourself!
Those are super presents, Angel! You'll have hours of fun with the squid monster :)
Such fun stuff you received! Careful with the catnip! :)
Great girls have fun :)
That Squiddy is so adorable!
Wow that is great stuff you got! And it is good that you got a bigger scratcher since yours were shrinking! It is very important that they be the right size!
Those are cool gifts! That squid is huge! No wonder you were seeing Santa on the ceiling.
Hey Sadie -
Did woo get any good pikhs of them whilst they were all 'nipped out?
I'll have to look for one of those scratchers. My kitties have a post covered in carpet. The carpet is almost all gone;)
Those scratchers are fun. We love ours. Enjoy!
Sophia and Dubi
Are you overnipped? Silly kitty!
I just saw a scratcher like this yesterday at Wal Mart, couldn't decide if I should get it or not, I was thinking it might slide across the floor too easily. Ended up not getting it, but I think I might...want to see if there is anything a little nicer-looking at amazon first! Glad you all had an happy Christmas and excellent presents!
Bunny-kicking - so that's what it's called - hmmm
Ooooh, we got a new scratcher here too! Everyone LOVEs those--especially when they have the fresh catnip on it. :0 Looks like a good Christmas at your house. :)
What fun. Look forwaed to tomorrow
Aw.. How Fun! :)
Looks like you had a super Christmas! What lucky kitties you are1
You got some great stuff, Angel! We love that squidmonster!! And we got that same scratcher!!
That scratchie thing sounds like a party pad! And that squid looks VERY fun! You look totally adorable with it, Angel!
Play bows,
I like your new scratcher and your squidmonster! Have fun! Love, Moon
Those look like the bestest toys EVER! And you look so cute playing with them, Angel. A happy New Year to you all.
That Dr. Squidmonster is really cool!
Now I've gotta say, your kitties look so happy and that added little cat nip trip is hysterical!
I know your kitties had a wonderful Christmas and I hope you did too!!!
Linda :)
Those are some very nice gifts that Santa brought you. Also, I never knew what to call it when our kitties kicked with their back feet...bunny kick, I like it.
Enjoy your presents and go easy on the ole nip :)
Great prezzies! We have wide scritchers like yours and we luv em. And the squid is very special, we can tell how strong the nip is...we will run right over and check em out!
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