Wednesday, December 9, 2009

(Almost) Wordless Wednesday

Yo quiero Taco Bell!


Unknown said...

Funny you should mention. Apparently Taco Bell is a bad omen here in the ER. I have been warned NEVER to bring Taco Bell, send out for Taco bell or say Taco Bell....

From what I hear, all hell breaks

Milo and Alfie said...

Do you want Taco Bell? I'll order you some for delivery! Ho ho ho!

Anonymous said...

Are you trying to tell us something Sadie? Is that commercial making you hungry?

Cat with a Garden said...

Se ve delicioso!

Catherine said...

Don't you hate yummy commercials when you are trying to watch TV? They make you want to go to the Fridge for a snack...!!! Resist the temptation Sadie! All that salt ~ not good for pups! :)

Grampy said...

Alright Sadie.Lets go to Taco Bell.

Memories for Life said...


Golden Woofs! SUGAR said...

Woof! Delish ... got to watch your calorie intake. Lots of Golden Woofs, Sugar

Maggie May said...

BOL! Your funny Sadie!

The Monkeys said...

You're asking for a burrito?

You're a little bigger than the Taco Bell dog, but much cuter!

Buggys said...

I understand. I love me some Taco Bell too!

Anonymous said...

Get her some Taco Bell :)

FurbabiesGrandma said...

Sadie, is this your audition for the Taco Bell mascot? You have my vote.

brokenteepee said...

Hmmm, won't that lead to puppy gas?

Grampy said...

Claudia loves the snow.She hops around in it like a bunny rabbit.

Anonymous said...

Funny, You don't look like a chihuahua..

Anonymous said...

Mmmmm, Gordita's...

tahtimbo said...

Sadie is a much better pitch-pup than that little dog (can't spell chiua...) they had!
Okay, now I'm hungry (what else is new?).

NAK and The Residents of The Khottage Now With KhattleDog! said...

We Sibes know how to make a run fur the border!

Of the property
Of the khounty
Of the state
Of the khountry

PeeEssWoo: Hi Sadie!

Ann said...

Sadie I think you would make a much better spokesdog for taco bell than that Chihuahua

Daisy said...

Ay yi yi, me too!

Lin said...

No smile, Sadie??? You must be hungry!

TiLT said...

bigger than the usual yo quiero taco bell dog :0 But even better..they should use Sadie to promo those giant items they serve now :)

Meghann said...

LOL!! I laughed so hard I cried :)

♥♥ The OP Pack ♥♥ said...

So did they listen to you? did you get some Taco Bell?

Mom should send this pic to Taco Bell and get them to use it in their advertising.

Woos, Phantom and Thunder

The Army of Four said...

Mmmmmm.... free-holies! I love free-holies. And jalapenos!

The Island Cats said...

Haha! Did you know our mom still has one of those Taco Bell dogs that they gave away???

Anonymous said...

Since you can speak the language, and you're purfectly woofable, I too vote for you to be the new Taco Bell dog...

Also must admit, that I cave into the food 1-2 times a year...

Huggles & Snuggles

Reeni said...

That does look yummy Sadie! I like ooey gooey cheese! Love, Moon