Today is Tortie Tuesday! Since my little sisfur Angel got all nipped up yesterday and couldn't finish showing some of the presents we got, I'll use my Supermodel skills to demonstrate our presents. Here I am showing my happy face at all the presents we got!

We got this cool cube thingy where there is a top bunk...

and a bottom bunk.

Isn't it neat how when napping in the cube, the port hole is cat face height!

See how the cube works with both of us in it?

It wouldn't be very Supermodel-like to play with Angel inside and me outside and I bite the side and tear it so I'll use my Acting skills and pretend that didn't happen. It's also not very Supermodel like to get nipped up on Christmas like my sisfur does but I have to admit I did.

Anyway, hope you appreciated my modeling and thanks for visiting on Tortie Tuesday! Have a great day!
Thank you for showing your Christmas presents, Isabella! (I like the little bunk thingy with portholes!)
You are such a good supermodel!
Sara Katt
What a neat little napping place you two got! I definitely wouldn't worry about the excess 'nip (we should all be so lucky, right? :o)
Isabella, I think it's OK to let your furs down and hit the 'nip at Christmas time. We LOVE your bunk bed cube....but if WE had it there would be much scuffling and we'd prolly tip it over. *giggle*
You have a very sweet happy face, Isabella :)
That was nice of Santa to bring you that wonderful and comfy looking new cat bed!
The cube is pawsome. We gotted a cube each too ~ but single decker ones!
Love the bunk cubes. I had a bunk bed when I was a kid. But it wasn't as neat as your cube.
Thanks for being such a professional, Isabella! That cube is really neat!
Is that nip toy the fall leaves by Casbah Kitten? We want to try those...maybe we have some allowance left :)
I have never seen a fur-trimmed cube before. It looks cozy!
Coolest cube ever! Now Arwen wants one, though I don't think she'd know what to do with it...I was waiting for the tail biting before you said it, lol, that tail did look awfully tempting :)
Hope you don't have much of a nip hangover, if you do, you know the expression "hair of the dog" lol!
Meghann and Arwen
You're allowed a little nip on Christmas. I had a little nip of Baileys myself:)
Kate Moss who??? What a PAWesome tent you guys got! We gots one too, but like yours better as you have that little covered part on top! Have fun in there!
Nice presents!
What a lucky cat are you!
Thank you for sharing with us!
Actually, I get that feeling that a lot of supermodels got nipped up on Christmas. Celebrities are famous for misbehaving. Which I guess means that most kitties are celebrities.
Happy Tortie Tuesday!
Great present you got there!
Beautiful models!
You are a wonderful SpokesCat. And you are certainly allowed to get nipped now and then as long as you don't let it be a habit.
I love that bed
its puurfect
I wish I could play
there with you :-)
Thanks for showing your presents!!
Kareltje =^.^=
oo my kitties are jealous of your very cute presents - they're still kinda mad at me for being gone for christmas - maybe i should make it up to them by getting them one of those :)
That's a pretty cool cube you got there Isabella. You did a great job modeling.
Are woo next?
Wow! What a cool cube! Ours only has one must be great to have an upstairs!!!
Lucky lucky kitties! What beautiful presents you received! Banjo got a few nice presents but chose to play in the wrappings all morning! Funny cat! PS:excellent Supermodel skills you have! :)
Your an awesome model Isabella! And so pretty too. That cube looks like fun! I wish I had one! Love, Moon
*happy sigh* We love Tuesdays...
Isabella, you have the "look" down to a science. You need to talk to mommy and make sure you get properly compensated for your modeling work. Since you went "off the wagon" and partook of the nip, you'll need to hit the gym, so you can get back to your pre-nip modeling weight ;-)
looks like great fun, I know mine would love it!
More wonderful presents...and nip :)
Supermodels do have to purrtend accidents don't tripping on the runway. We enjoyed seeing the bunkbed, and you can probably have your mewmie stitch up the tear...
Isabella, you have great super-modeling skills. Glad you got some wonderful Christmas treats!
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