It's Tortie Tuesday! Today I'm showing how I help Mommy keep someone from looking at presents in bags. When anyone comes around I give them the big scary eyes.

If that doesn't make them go away, I cover the entire bag with my Tortie body.

Okay, we don't need to show that angle Mommy.

I sure hope this earns me an extra present under the tree!

Enjoy your Tortie Tuesday!
Awwwwww! So cute!
That must be an extra special present to require such careful guarding. You're doing an EXCELLENT job, we're sure you'll get Loads of presents.
Hmmm...guess Isabella's got that one under wraps, doesn't she? Adorable photos (and don't let anyone peek inside that bag girl! :o)
You're doing a perfect job, Isabella, and we bet you'll earn extra gifts because you're helping out!
You are a good helper Isabella!
Please let us see what's in there! Please!
Good job Isabella. As usual you have everything under control.Don't know what mommy would do without you.
You're doing a great job Isabella...keep it up :)
My kitties hate plastic bags. They are one of the few things the kitties will not lay on.
Marnie're a GRRR-8 Gift Guard!!! PAWesome job!
Well, it was a great idea, Isabella. But my Mommeh says if you look real cute like that, she would want to pick you up and give you a big hug!
Isabella you are doing a great job protecting the presents! I bet you will get great stuff from Santa!
I know you mean well, but I am afraid that I agree with Daisy's Mommeh. You are so cute. I would feel like picking you up too and giving you a cuddle.
You've done an excellent job of keeping nosy humans away from presents! The scary eyes show that we're fierce, wild animals who must not be messed with! I have NO idea why humans keep mistaking them for cute eyes.
Those eyes don't look mean to me..they look soft and sweet.
What a helpful kitty...
with friendship
what a beawootiful helper you are, Isabella! My daughter insisted on helping wrap the gifts which of course meant coloring and tape everywhere:) You don't color, do you?
I think that should get you at least 2 extra presents.
Your doing such a good job Isabella. Maybe Santa's watching and you'll get extra gifts! Love, Moon
I'm surprised you didn't try to get IN the bag!!
Looks like your plan is working too, Isabella. We can't see into even a tiny crack in that bag.
Woos, Phantom and Thunder
You are the best present guard-cat I've ever seen, Isabella... and one of the cutest too!
Mom says tortes are tasty!
PeeEssWoo: Hi Sadie!
You are a smart kitty, Isabella! and very helpful! You most certainly deserve an extra treat or two!
You are such a wonderful helper Isabella, and I just love the look on your face in the last photo Mommy took of you. I'm certain you and your sisfur's are all good to go on "the" list!
Merry Christmas to all of you. Blessings to all of you... x0
P.S. Do you think that Mommy will really come to visit me? And if so, any time soon?
Aw, Isabella, you're such a gorgeous kitty. And a terrific helper, too! :)
Did you get a peek before you plopped down on top of the prezzies?
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