It's Tortie Tuesday! A day for me to nap in my favorite box! Usually I give lessons on Tortie Tuesday but I can see that today is going to be a test...

A test of patience!

Wonder how long this test is going to be...

Too long!

I passed the test and am certainly very patient but also realize that the sooner the photo shoot is over, the sooner I can get back to my nap!
I hope you have a Happy Tortie Tuesday!
Oh, Binga would fail the patience test 100% of the time! She has none. She starts asking for dinner two hours early. Let's not even get into what she does to get my human out of bed for breakfast.
I love torties!!! The last picture is just priceless. I hope you enjoyed your nap after passing the test.
Isabella has the cutest, most kissable little nose! I love Tortie Tuesdays :o)
Wow, you hardly moved a whisker. You are extremely patient. I hope you got your box nap in the end!
You truly are a stunning girl, a real patient sitter and born model.
You must be very, very patient to let your Mom take so many photos! You'll have to give jane some lessons!!
Well Isabella it is nice to see you passed the test. Photo shoot over and now time for a nap. I know you will enjoy that. Hope you got a good treat for being so patient.
Isabella, you are very right! It is usually best just to grin and bear it until the photoshoot is over!
Our allowance is on you, Isabella! You've got Tortie powers of indurance!
Thanks so much for coming to my party with your sisters! I love you girls!
Happy Tortie Tuesday! (We're one more day closer to Friday, right? ;) )
Happy Tortie Tuesday pretty girl! Glad you passed the test...I hate playing the waiting game :(
Very good lesson Isabella ~ just sit still and let the mom's take the photos ~ it does go so much faster! I am going to have Banjo read your post. Perhaps he will listen to you! :)
Happy Tortie Tuesday Isabella!
xo Catherine & Banjo
PS ~ your eyes are such a pretty color!
Woos! Woo is one very patient girl Miss Isabella! I think that camera would have been out of my face way before that!
~husky kisses~
-Kira The BeaWootiful
I love this! Isabella has the most beautiful eyes.
Julie Magers Soulen Photography
Isabella- you are very intense. Too bad your humans expect you to be patient too.
Well, you did much better than me. Now that I am outta school I have no patience for tests. or waiting. or lines. or slow humans.
Poor kitty, she has to be available for these photo shoots 24/7. The life of a spokes-model is a hard one.
Isabella you are very wise to know that the more patient you are, the sooner the test will end - that is a good lesson for all of us (including our mom!)
Woo soooooo showed the flashie beast!
PeeEssWoo: Hi Sadie!
great photos - whole post made me LOL...
Closer and closer and closer - did that flashy box operator try to put you into a trance:-)?
Woos ~ Phantom, Thunder, and Ciara
Good job Isabella in passing that test. We have no patience what so ever. When we want something, we want it right now. Sometimes Mom get flustrated because she is trying to feed one old cat and a younger cat grabs it and so on. We are sending these young darlings over to get some training from you. Have a great day.
Oh, do we surely give you an...
Isabella, you certainly have more patience than we do...Mommy would have noseprints on the lens by the second frame. Mommy says thank goodness for zoom!
It's very difficult to have one's nap interrupted like that.
Your bean should be ashamed!
You are very good at patience Isabella. Duke could never pass that test. :)
Wowzers! Remind me never to get into a staring contest with you!
Play bows,
PS: You have suuuuuuuuuch gorgeous eyes!
Had to laugh at the close ups definitely a poser lol
loved em :-)
Wow! You are patient, Isabella! And beautiful, too!!
What big, beautiful eyes you have Isabella! Are you looking at me? Cause I'm looking at you! Love, Moon
Those eyes! I'm being mesmerised....
LOL! You're very wise kitty, and nothing surpasses the importance of a solid nap! :)
Oh, Isabella, you did very well! And we're so happy because we get to look at beautiful you!
love, Oliver and Earnest
Isabella - what a beautiful portrait. Purrfect for a painting!
Don't you just hate when somebody is watching you take a nap??? Sheesh.
Beautiful photos, Isabella! You are very lovely. The resident Torti here, Tempe, is not so patient. In fact it takes about 100 tries to get a good photo and to wait her out until she holds still and quits twisting her head around! Love this blog.
Isabella, you are quite funny (with Mommy's help I am sure). It looks to me that you could win a staring contest.
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