Friday, April 7, 2017

Finally Friday

We're so glad it's Friday! After today we work just one more Friday for the rest of the year! Oh, and of course we only have one more week of tax season left! Speaking of which, we're winding down on our work so it's been much more relaxed the past few days...
It's nice to not have to work so hard and just be cute...
Having sunshine this week has been nice to. Life is good!

How's life in your neck of the woods?

Hope you have a great weekend!
Angel and Isabella


Summer at said...

I bet you guys (and your human) are counting the hours!

Cat Lover said...

What a wonderful place you have to spend your days! Glad to hear your busy time is winding down.
Take care.

Marg said...

Great picture of you Angel. Glad things are winding down for all of you, especially the mom. Have a great weekend.

Grace said...

You two are probably the envy of every cat everywhere!

Sandee said...

I'm always happy when your tax season ends. Not as much as your peeps, but close.

Here's how things are going here. We went to the boat on Wednesday afternoon. Thursday we were supposed to boat over to our yacht club destination. We lost our port engine warming up the boat. Not sure what's wrong with it, but the mechanic will check it and let us know. So we packed everything up and came home. It's been raining, the wind has been howling so the weekend looks awful weather wise. Oh well, stuff happens.

Have a purrfect day you two. My best to your mom and J. ♥♥♥

Cat and DOG Chat With Caren said...

Enjoy the sunshine! It is sunny here too but quite cool....we are going to warm up tomorrow! catchatwithcarenandcody

♥♥ The OP Pack ♥♥ said...

Dear Ladies, even when you are working hard, you are still very cute!!! Happy Wind-down Week!!!

Woos - Lightning and Misty

da tabbies o trout towne said...

hay ewe galz....ewe both R lookin gorgeouz az all wayz.....N yur cat tree roomz total lee awesum !!!! seer ee iz lee....N joy yur SUN shine & week oh end N stay IN trubull ☺☺♥♥

Ann Thompson said...

So glad you're close to the end of tax season. Your mom will finally be able to devote her time to the two of you.

The Army of Four said...

We finally have sun, too!!!! Happy Friday!
Cam & Mags

pilch92 said...

SO close ....I bet you can't wait.

The Island Cats said...

You girls deserve some relaxification.

Katie Isabella said...

Oh Angel...look at YOU!