Monday, February 27, 2017

Weekend Wrap Up

We kicked off the last weekend of February watching "This Is Us" on On Demand. Mommy was late in watching this show but in the last month has got caught up on the season. Do you watch it at your house? It always makes her eyes leak but she is hooked. I always make her squee...
Yep. I'm so cute she can hardly stand it. Anyway, The sun came out Saturday so she and Daddy went to Florence on the Oregon coast...
They went to the North Jetty where the piles of driftwood show what kind of winter storms they've had on the coast...
We were much more interested in the sand dunes. I mean, look at all that glorious sand, kitties!
Yesterday it snowed in the morning, rained in the afternoon. We're so ready for spring! Or at least mid-April, whichever comes first. 

How was your weekend?

Happy last Monday in February!

Friday, February 24, 2017

Finally Friday

Another busy week comes to an end. It started off with Angel not feeling well Monday but she is all better now. We had intermittent rain, hail, sun three days this week. Today is supposed to be more of the same. Inside it's always warm, dry with a high chance of floof...
We're tired. It's not even March yet. Thank Cod it's finally Friday!

Hope you have a great weekend!

Tuesday, February 21, 2017

Tortie Tuesday

It's important to remember that we don't always see something in the way someone else does. That doesn't necessarily mean one way is right and the other isn't. Most of the time. For instance, somemommy sees a hindrance when I'm lounging in her office chair...
Of course, I know what she really sees is a beautiful Tortie brightening up her work day by looking absolutely adorable. Just sayin.

Hope you have a glorious Tortie Tuesday!

Monday, February 20, 2017

Weekend Wrap Up

Last week was filled with tax returns and rain so our weekend was filled with a whole lot of nothing. We still had movie night of course...
Somemommy watches me more than the movie but I can't blame her. I am pretty darn cute. Anyway, the rest of the weekend was spent relaxing and watching the rain. Kinda ho hum. Just the kind of weekend we needed!

How was your weekend?

Happy Monday!
Happy Birthday to our Grandpa from Kansas!

Thursday, February 16, 2017

Almost Friday, Finally!

Our sunpuddle filled days have gave way to rain, rain and more rain. It makes the days really long when we work with a lamp on in the middle of the afternoon...
Anyway, Mommy's special Valentines dinner for Daddy was a success. She made manicotti, garlic bread and salad. It took her several hours and she complained a lot so she won't be cooking again anytime soon but Daddy appreciated it.

I kept Mommy up most of Valentines night because I had an upset tummy. I laid on Mommy and shook like a leaf which worried her so she couldn't sleep. We took a break from work yesterday and napped but she's still cranky tired. I'm tired too. Thank Cod it's almost Friday though!

Hope you have a great rest of the week!

Tuesday, February 14, 2017

Happy Valentines Day!

Happy Valentines Day!
Valentines Day is somemommy's favorite holiday and she's attempting to make Daddy dinner tonight. She cooks just once or twice or zero times a year so she's been stressed for days but she's determined to do it. Or at least try. I hope there's a back up plan. Just sayin. 

Wishing you much love and happiness today and always!

Happy Tortie Valentines Day!

Monday, February 13, 2017

Weekend Wrap Up

After days of rain, we finally had a sunny weekend! We enjoyed the sunpuddles and even some window whiffs...
It wasn't all rest and relaxation though. I helped Mommy finish up a kitty necklace...
Later I even helped her take pics of the necklace and list it in our shop. There's no rest for the furry around here that's for sure. It's a tough job but somekitty's got to do it!

How was your weekend?

Happy Monday!

Friday, February 10, 2017

Finally Friday

We're so glad it's Friday! We had a rough week in the office. Here's an example of our week beginning with not wanting to get out of the bed, uh, the box on Monday...
Work, work, work all week...
Finally making it to the end of the cat trees, uh, work week today...
It's exhausting being CPA Cats but somekitties got to do it!

Did you have a good week?

Happy Friday and weekend!
Angel and Isabella

Tuesday, February 7, 2017

Tortie Tuesday. Finally.

It's Tortie Tuesday and I'm way late in posting but thankfully I'm here now. This morning started out with Mommy getting the glass out from under the guest room bathroom sink to fill up our water fountain. When there was water dripping from the bottom of the glass she looked a little closer and we had a mini flood happening in the cabinet!
She called Daddy who told her to turn off the water but 1) she couldn't climb in far because of all the water, 2) the flashlight was dead, 3) she couldn't get the little knobs to turn and 4) she bonked her head and was not happy so he came home from work and turned it off. The leak didn't stop because the water was coming from another spot back here near the left knobby thing...
So, a stranger dude came and replaced the valve because Daddy had to go back to work. The stranger dude told Mommy it was a very good thing she had to fill our fountain today before any damage was done. This bathroom is on the 2nd floor and it's basically only used for our water so who knows how long it has been going on or how long it could've gone on. Anyway, it's airing out now and I'm keeping an eye on it to make sure there's no more leak...
So, catching water leaks while filling up our fountain is reason #3,652,956 for having a cat. Just sayin.

Anything exciting happening in your neck of the woods?

Hope you have a dry Tortie Tuesday!

Monday, February 6, 2017

It's Monday Again...

And so another week begins, one of us is ready for work and one of us isn't ready to get out of bed...
How long until April 15th? *sigh*

Hope you have a good Monday!
Angel and Isabella

Friday, February 3, 2017


Our Aunt Dolly from Vegas likes to snuggle in her blanket...
So I decided that I'd snuggle in my blanket too...
Hey this is pretty dang cozy...
I kinda like being a Tortie purrito! Get it, purrito cause I'm wrapped like a burrito! Hahaha! I crack myself up!
Ay yi yi chica, I think you're wrapped too tight in there...
Whatever Angel, quit being a wet blanket. MOL! Get it? Blanket!

Are you a blanket snuggler too?

Happy weekend to you!