Thursday, February 16, 2017

Almost Friday, Finally!

Our sunpuddle filled days have gave way to rain, rain and more rain. It makes the days really long when we work with a lamp on in the middle of the afternoon...
Anyway, Mommy's special Valentines dinner for Daddy was a success. She made manicotti, garlic bread and salad. It took her several hours and she complained a lot so she won't be cooking again anytime soon but Daddy appreciated it.

I kept Mommy up most of Valentines night because I had an upset tummy. I laid on Mommy and shook like a leaf which worried her so she couldn't sleep. We took a break from work yesterday and napped but she's still cranky tired. I'm tired too. Thank Cod it's almost Friday though!

Hope you have a great rest of the week!


Summer at said...

I'm glad your human's dinner was a success!

bichonpawz said...

So happy that your mom's dinner turned out great! Hope you all feel better and catch up on your sleep!!

Marg said...

So glad that famous dinner turned out well. But sorry that your tummy is upset Angel. Hope it is all better now. Have a great day.

Sandee said...

I'm glad mommies Valentine's dinner went well. Sounds very good.

I'm sorry you were sick too. I know mommy took good care of you. No doubt about that.

Have a purrfect day. Tons of scritches to you and Isabella and my very best to your peeps. ♥♥♥

AntiquityTravelers said...

I hope you're feeling better Angel! I know those long, grey days in Oregon. I don't remember liking them when I lived there, but now they seem like home to me.

The Florida Furkids said...

That sounds like a fabulous dinner your Mommy made. We hope you feel better today.

The Florida Furkids

Cat and DOG Chat With Caren said...

YAY!! Glad Mommy made a delicious dinner!! catchatwithcarenandcody

Grace said...

I'm cranky and tired today too - we've got our own little cranky tired club going...

pilch92 said...

Poor Angel, I hope you feel better soon. I am glad your Mom's meal came out good.

da tabbies o trout towne said...

angel, we toll ya ta stay a way frum bass terd chcckn, we hope bye two day yur 1000000000000000 purrcent better N high paws two yur mom...her meel soundz grate !!!! ☺☺☺♥♥♥

The Army of Four said...

Is your tummy OK now?!?! Maybe some of that manicotti would have helped. I've heard it's a cure-all. No, really.
Yours sincerely,
Margaret Thatcher

Ann Thompson said...

Glad your daddy liked hisValentines dinner. Sorry about the hairball thing. Hope you're feeling all better now and get caught up on your sleep

The Island Cats said...

Oh Angel. We hope you're feeling better now. We're amazed at the number of cat trees you have.

Duni said...

I'm sure Daddy enjoyed his special dinner! Angel, feel better soon! Sending lots of purrrrs your way.