Since the month is a few hours from being over, we had to give our Mommy a nudge to complete the Blogging Business Artisans monthly team challenge but it worked because she got it done! This month's challenge is from Storybeader and it's to work on a new technique and blog about the project. Well, Mommy has always wanted to learn how to paint and/or do mixed media stuff but is clueless how to do either. Since the materials used to do these techniques involve paint and glue, we weren't allowed to directly help but we provided the inspiration (as always). Here's some of the things she used including OUR crinkly paper...
She painted a canvas in the same purple paint as she painted one wall in the bedroom and she tried to add dimension by mixing white paint and also some black paint in the purple. It didn't turn out as she thought it would. She then wrapped a big heart in OUR crinkly paper and painted it the Red Pepper paint that's on a wall in our living room. Then she made a small heart with a thick coat of blue paint for somekitties eyes...
She had wanted to paint words on it but we knew that would be a mess so she wrote words on it with a Sharpie instead. It turned out pretty plain but alright. It doesn't look as good as we do...
She asked Daddy his opinion on what to write on it. She wanted something related to love and every quote she came up with Daddy added his input. He was surprised that she actually wrote his input at the bottom of the quote...
Humans can be weird. Anyway, thanks Deb (Storybeader) for the challenge! We had fun watching Mommy from afar even if we had to sacrifice some of OUR crinkly paper! She enjoyed it too even if she needs to stick to painting walls instead of canvas!
Hope you enjoy something new today!
Angel & Isabella