It's my 7th birthday all day today! Isn't that exciting?
I should be showered with treats and toys but instead I just get this...this...this thing-a-ma-jig...
Since Mommy saved so much money on my presents, we're going to donate $1 to Alley Cat Allies for each comment left on this post through midnight tonight. Since my bestest present is a nice warm home, plenty of foods and lots of love, we want to help Alley Cat Allies protect feral kitties and to know we care for them too!
Hope you enjoy a treat today in honor of my birthday!
Woof! Woof! Have a FUN FUN FUN 7th Birthday! Lots of Golden Woofs, Sugar
Happy Birthday Isabella !!!
Woo Hoo ! I'm da first : )
I hope you have a fantastic day. Lots of Treats and hugs.
Nose Kisses
OOPS ! someone is quicker than me
Happy 7th Birthday, Isabella! We're sure your Daddy won't let your special day go without some treats for HIS little girl!
Happy birthday, Isabella! Although I would be a little bit bummed to have to pose with that ridiculous birthday THING! It would have been much more fun to pose with a big bowl of cat treats! But I do love that you are having a commenthon for one of my very favorite causes!
My dear, it is very generous of you to donate your gift money. I have to say you do look so pretty, you overshadow that sparkle-y gift!!
Special birthday SMOOCHIE from me!
Yay! Happy Birthday, sweet Isabella!! It is so wonderful you're donating to such a worthy cause ♥
many, many purrs from Sammy,Molly and Leo!
Happy Birthday Isabella!!!!!!!
jay boy
danny boy from Singapore
Happy Happy Birthday Is :D 7 is a wonderful age to be. I am wayyyyyyyyyyy past that :) Have a great one.. and its awfully nice that your momma is giving back on your birthday!
woofs n licks,
Awww...happy, happy birthday sweet Isabella! Enjoy your special day surrounded by all that you love and who love you!
Happy Isabella Day!!!!!!!
I'll make sure Butterskhotch and BroFur get seven extra pieces of Meow Mix ;-)
Happy Bird-day Isabella! Hope your day is full of treats and plenty of sun puddles for a sweet nap!
Happy Birthday Isabella!
And what a generous gift from you and your mommy :)
The happiest of birthdays to you, Isabella! The donation is a wonderful thing to do, we hope you raise lots of greenpapers!
And we hope you have a splendid birthday too!
♪♪ Happy Birthday to you, ♪♪
♪♪ Happy Birthday to you, ♪♪
♪♪ Happy Birthday Dear Isabella ♪♪
♪♪ Happy Birthday to you. ♪♪
It´s furry nice of your mom person to donate $1 per comment to Alley Cat Allies !
You know what Isabella me too think the best present is a nice warm home with plenty of foods and lots of love <3
Happy birthday, Isabella!
Happy Birthday sweet Isabella. Hope you have a purrfect day. xx
Happy birthday pretty girl! I hope you get some extra treats or tuna or something fun to play with besides that birthday sign!
I'm glad that Alley Cat Allies will benefit from your birthday too!
Happy ♫ Birthday ♫ Isabella ♫ ♪ ♫
Happy Birthday Isabella! That may not be a tasty gift, but it sure is a pretty one!
Small world! A good friend of mine used to work for AlleyCat. She was in charge of grant writing & donor letters:)
Also, I've been to their office before- they actually keep cats as pets there! Some are to be adopted of course, but some are just theirs to cuddle at work- how fun!
♪♪Happy Birthday to you,♪♪
♪♪Happy Birthday to you,♪♪
♪♪Happy Birthday Dear Isabella,♪♪
♪♪Happy Birthday to you.♪♪
Have a purrfect birthday. My best to your wonderful mom. :)
Happy Day Isabella.... mine is soon too....
It's nice that you are supporting other kitties that need help....the best way to celebrate anything.....good for you and Mommy!!
Happy Birthday sweetie pie
Is that a tear in your eye?
A tear of joy to behold
Happy Isabella, another year
me again! Just wanted to let you know,Angela, the local artist featured on my blog today translated the saying on her painting for's in the comments :)
Awww, happy birthday Isabella! What a beauty. It looks like her party was filled with exciting and fun shiny doo-dads :).
Happy birthday, Isabella! What a generous birthday present! I'm sure that you'll still be enjoying some treats and toys today, too. :)
You're AWESOME to do a donation!
Happy birthday, Isabella! That silvery thing DOES look pretty fun, though. Have you tried whopping the top parts around a little?
Play bows,
Happy Birthday!!! You still look like a kitten! That is a nice idea to donate to the less fortunate kitties without a warm home and someone to love them.
Happy Birthday Isabella! We hope your Mom can crack open a can of tuna for you later...and a 20# bag of treats!
Say, can we comment 13 times? MOL!
Well, that is not a fattening present. And we are happy to comment for such a good cause
Happy Birthday Isabella! That's so nice of your mommy to make a donation, in your honor! ♥
Happy Birthday gorgeous girl.. Have a great day.. Hugs GJ xx
Happy Birthday Isabella. We are so excited that you are doing this commentathon for the Alley Cat Allies. Feral kitties is our thing and that Alley Cat Allies is such a great organization. Well done. Hope you did get some treats Isabella for your birthday.
Happy Birthday dear beautiful Isabella! YOu get more beautiful with each year. xoxoxo
Happy, Happy Birthday, Isabella! I bet your mommy has a bunch of special treats planned for you! I bet that weird toyish thing is just the beginning of a shower of goodies! ♥
Earnest and Oliver send their bestest greetings for a pawsome birthday!
We almost missed your birthday! Happy birthday Isabella! Hope you are having a pawsome day!
Happy Birthday, Isabella! How nice of your mom to donate to Alley Cat Allies in honor of your special day! And we hope you do get some treats to celebrate!!
Happy Birthday, Isabella!! I wish you a VERY happy cat year ahead!
Happy birthday Isabella! Thanks for helping other kitties too!
Happy happy purrrday to you!!
Oh, sorry I missed your birthday but wish you many, many more! It is nice of you to make a donation to help other cats! Happy belated birthday!
Sorry we are late to your party Isabella! Happy Birthday! Now we are both the same age. I think your gift is pretty neat. Sending lots of hugs and kisses from me and my Mom! oxox
I hope you had a super terrific birthday Isabella! Kisses from Banjo!
xo Catherine
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