While we napped yesterday, Mommy and Daddy went to the Oregon coast and all they brought us were these pictures. No treats, no toys, just pictures. Unbelievable.

These boats catch fish and crabs - why didn't you bring some home Daddy?

We would have liked one of these Mommy. There's one for me...

And one for Isabella!

Mommy says these bark more than Sadie!

Exciting pictures huh? I thought so...

The beach looks beautiful! We can see how they may have been distracted into forgetting treats. But they can make it up to you by getting them now. It is not too late!
Oh how beautiful. I hope you two had a wonderful time, you sure deserve it. Have a very good week this week. And thank you so much.
Those are awesome pictures! It seems like your humans had a wonderful day!
The photos are beautiful (I especially like the sea lions!) - but Angel's commentary is priceless :). Hope you had a great day, even without the cats!
Great photos! I lived in Coos Bay many years ago. Great to see the Oregon Coast.
They went to the ocean and didn't even let you go with them!? The very least they should have done is bring you back a fish. Or a ham.
Play bows,
PS: Gorgeous pictures!
I KNOW EXACTLY HOW YOU FEEL! My mom went all the way to CANADA for two whole stinkin' weeks and brought me back nada, zip, zero, zilch! I just don't know what people are thinkin' nowadays!
Beautiful pics !!! Glad you two had a good time!!
I love the Oregon coast! I have travelled there three times, and the scenery is just breathtaking!
Great photos! I sure am glad to be going back home to see my parents. I will also get to indulge in the seafood:)
Angel, the three of you get more love and attention than most beans. Mommy & Daddy's pictures are very beautiful, but I agree that they could have brought home one of the fish, seals, or birds for you...well, probably not the seal. That would be too scary, but the pix of the scene would probably be way funny...:o) sorry girls!
Yesterday would have been a GREAT day to go to the coast! Why didn't *I* think of that!!
Great pictures! My daughter Ava said to say they are CUTE!
Great pictures. I especially love the seagull shots. I hope you both enjoyed yourselves. Since you didn't bring any treats home, I smell a house-trashing party brewing:)
Aww - I want to go to the beach again!
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