Thursday, April 30, 2009

Suggestions needed

Many of you know that our mommy is a C.P.A. which she says has something to do with accounting or numbers or whatever. That just sounds way too boring to us so we are changing it to mean Cat Personal Assistant and Sadie wants it to be Canine Personal Assistant. We are in the process of writing up her new job description and would love suggestions of what we should put on it since we don't want to leave anything out.

We already know that a description of a Cat Personal Assistant should include that treats are dispensed whenever requested. Windows are to be opened for us to sniff the fresh air on a regular basis. And with a nudge, C.P.A.'s need to scoot forward on the chair so we can lay on the nice, warm spot and take a bath while they get numb butt on the edge. As a Canine Personal Assistant, walks are mandatory. And comfortable places to lay are to be provided throughout the house. What else should be on our list? What do you have on the job description for your personal assistants? We appreciate your suggestions!

Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Tortie Tuesday!

Happy Tortie Tuesday! Today's lesson in Tortieness is to be thankful for everything you have. I am very thankful for my pawprint bed and thank my grandma for making it for me! Thank you Grandma!

What are you thankful for?

Monday, April 27, 2009


Sometimes when I'm trying to nap, there are monsters under the covers that try to interrupt my sleep. Ah Ha! Gotcha monster!

Sunday, April 26, 2009

Craft It Forward!

Last month I came across the blogs ShimmerMeBlue and Success Bound offering a Pay It Forward and Audrey's Country Crafts offering a Craft It Forward. Ever since I received a wonderful gift from Abby at Simply Charming in SC I've wanted to continue the idea of giving so these blogs caught my attention. I'm going to offer a Craft It Forward to the first five people to respond to this post. You will get something handmade by me (or my mom if I can get her to make something!) Here are the restrictions that come with this:

*There are no guarantees you will like what I make although I sure hope you do!
*What I create will be just for you
*You'll receive it this year (2009)
*The item will be a surprise to you and can be ANYTHING handmade
*And in return, all you need to do is post this text into your blog and make 5 things for 5 people.

Respond in the comments section… first 5 people win!

Please leave a way in the comments for me to contact you for your address once you have posted about the "Craft it Forward" and offered prizes. Also it would be helpful to know what your favorite color is and whether or not you like cats and/or dogs.

EtsyBlogger of the Month - TwoZanyZebras!

The EtsyBlogger of the month has a shop full of adorable items for little ones! TwoZanyZebras specializes in all things zany! And, as described in the shop announcement,

"It is home of the Zarkles. Wondering what in the world is a Zarkle? They are whimsical creatures that are part of the Zarkle family. Each Zarkle has their own unique name, personality, and Zany Pocket Blankie to sleep in. They can also be a comfort at night and help keep all the scary things at bay. Two Zany Zebras also specialize in the Zany Cuddle Blankie, Super Zany Blankie, and Zany Pocket Blankie. "

Here are some of the zany items in her shop.
Be sure to check out her shop and also her blog for more zany items you're sure to love!

Saturday, April 25, 2009

Happy Caturday!

I hope you are enjoying your Caturday! It's a nice day here today and since I'm so tired from our exciting week, Mommy moved my bed by the open window so I can nap in the fresh air. Life is good!
I'll even share the window with my sisfur Angel but I draw the line at sharing my bed today!
Hope you have a wonderful Caturday!

Friday, April 24, 2009

Friday Features!

Happy Friday everyone! It's time for Friday Features and today's features all begin with the letter "Q"! There is Quite the Quantity of Quality items that Qualified today so I hope you enjoy my choices!

Thursday, April 23, 2009

A Diversion of Sorts...

I'm interrupting our normal posts to show some photos of our after-tax season getaway last weekend. We went on a short trip to San Antonio, TX and while there visited the Alamo - which is A LOT smaller than we expected it'd be! Plus, it's right in the middle of downtown which was also another surprise but it's still interesting to visit a place with so much history. We walked along the beautiful Riverwalk area and took a riverboat ride also. There are several beautiful missions just outside San Antonio which we visited including this one - Mission Concepcion. I, of course, had to take a picture of a kitty I saw in a window one day!
We had a fun time in Texas but it's good to be home. Our furbabies gave us quite the welcome when we got home and they are sticking to us like glue to make sure we don't leave again anytime soon!

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Tortie Tuesday!

Happy Tortie Tuesday! Today's lesson in Tortieness is to don't accept limitations and always try to push the boundaries...
and never give up trying to succeed!

Enjoy your day!

Monday, April 20, 2009

Yay for Today!

We have really had fun with Grandpa the past few days but we're anxiously waiting for Mommy and Daddy to come home today!
Luckily we can all take turns watching out for them so we can fit naps in when we're not on watch duty. We gave Sadie the longest shift but don't tell her!
I think Isabella was sleeping on the job!

Sunday, April 19, 2009

An Award for Mommy!

Mommy is still on vacation but we wanted to surprise her by posting an award she got! Duni from Lovely Purses and Becca from Purrprints sent this award our way and our mommy is certainly very deserving of it! We think she is the best cat mom ever! (Sadie thinks she's the best dog mom too!)

We know that Mommy would do anything in the world for us but she loves all animals and does what she can to help other kitties and woofies too. Last Friday, while on vacation and in the middle of a thunderstorm, Mommy and Daddy were driving on a country road in Texas and came around a curve and saw a little dog standing in the middle of the road. She told Daddy to slow down and the dog came running towards them so Mommy jumped out of the car which caused the dog to come running towards her. It was a little terrier type dog who was very scared but wearing a collar with a rabies tag so Mommy called the vet and was told "oh, that's Sally, she gets out all the time." The vet's office called the owner but there was no answer so they gave them Sally's address and Mommy and Daddy took Sally home and Daddy put her in a fenced yard with goats. It didn't matter that Mommy (and Daddy) were soaked from the rain, covered in mud and smelled like wet dog the rest of the day, she was happy they saved Sally from certain harm on that busy road.

We love Mommy very much and can't wait until she (and Daddy) comes home tomorrow!

We hope you enjoy your Sunday!

Saturday, April 18, 2009

Happy Sadieday!

Today is Sadieday! Actually, it's the only day I could get the cats away from this blog. Anyway, we're still enjoying having Grandpa take care of us and taking me on walks - which means I get out of the house and get all the attention which is the way it should be all the time but my sisfurs don't understand that yet.
Whatever your plans are for this Sadieday, I hope you have a wonderful day!

Thursday, April 16, 2009

Mmm Mmm Good

Daddy left today to meet Mommy for a vacation but Grandpa is here from Kansas to take care of us.
Grandpa, I don't know if Daddy told you or not but this is our food drawer and we get fed A LOT!
We of course want Mommy and Daddy to come home soon but not until the treats, I mean foods, run out! We love our Grandpa!

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

(Almost) Wordless Wednesday!

It's finally April 15th - Tax Day! Now that tax season is over, Mommy won't be working so much and can play with us. Yay!
Since I didn't make it through my computer lesson with Daddy yesterday, I may be slow to comment on blogs until Mommy and Daddy return from their vacation on Monday but I'll do what I can. Thanks for your patience!

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Tortie Tuesday!

Happy Tortie Tuesday! Today's lesson in tortieness is to always help out when you can. Since Mommy is in Colorado working, I asked Daddy to teach me how to work the computer so I can help Mommy with the blog. I'm ready Daddy, show me all I need to know!
Yeah, uh huh, I got it. I think I can do this.
Can we finish the lesson later Daddy?

Monday, April 13, 2009

What Map?

Before Mommy left for Colorado yesterday, she was talking to Daddy about going on a vacation - THIS PURRSDAY! It's bad enough that Mommy left and now Daddy thinks he's going to leave too? He started looking for this big paper thingy with lots of lines and dots on it that he said they needed to find where to go.
Well, I don't think he needs to go anywhere and Mommy needs to come back home so I'll just keep hiding the paper thingy from him so they can't go.
I'm ignoring you Daddy and no, I won't get up!

Sunday, April 12, 2009

Happy Easter!

Mommy left for Colorado today for work but she left us this yellow thing. Since it's Easter we were hoping for a bunny but instead we got this thing holding an egg.
Angel, do you have any idea what this is? The hair on its head looks like your side of the family.
Mmm, tastes like chicken.
Mommy is laptop-less (hee hee) so won't be able to comment on blogs this week unless she gets time to at work. She's going to have Daddy do her EC drops so keep visiting us!

Saturday, April 11, 2009

Stroll with Sadie!

I'm taking over the blog today to take you on a cool hike that I went on with Mommy recently! We don't get out much during the day lately so it was real exciting for me!
Uhm, Mommy, that leash is messing with the tail action.
Of course Mommy has to include a boring scenic shot of the valley but I made sure there was actually something interesting to look at!
I hope you enjoyed our hike and seeing my cute hiney!
Enjoy your Saturday!