Many of you know that our mommy is a C.P.A. which she says has something to do with accounting or numbers or whatever. That just sounds way too boring to us so we are changing it to mean Cat Personal Assistant and Sadie wants it to be Canine Personal Assistant. We are in the process of writing up her new job description and would love suggestions of what we should put on it since we don't want to leave anything out.
We already know that a description of a Cat Personal Assistant should include that treats are dispensed whenever requested.

I know it's just an oversight, but you forgot to mention toys and playtime. A CPA should always have toy mousies for the cats and a pull toy for Sadie and should be ready at ANY time for play. OH and they should always wear catnip-scented perfume!
P.S. Thanks for the Temptations suggestion - that might just work!
The three of you are so clever! Don't forget to put extensive grooming and cuddling on to the list!
Sammy, the cat
ps - my mommy is also a C.P.A -
Chief Protector of Animals :)
You should add keep fresh water available at all times.
Clean the litter boxes often--at least three times a day.
Do not disturb our nap time, especially when we are lying in the sun.
* A daily basket full of hot clean clothes fresh from the dryer to sleep on
* Pretty clean rugs to decorate with our art work (slimy hair balls)
* an occasional bug to chase for our exercise, entertainment and a "fresh kill" snack.
* Continue to make the inferior dog obey commands to "come, lay down and sit" so we can snicker at her behind his back. We love a good laugh!
We are pretty sure you need to add being a pooper scooper to her job duties. You're off to a great start, though!
Belleh rubs...
Blogging and visiting furiends...
PeeEssWoo: Nice to see woo Sadie!
Gee, I thought I was the only one who had to hang on the edge of my chair because the cat wanted to stretch out;)
Litter box scooped immediately after deposits are made.
Lap available at all times.
Wet food provided upon demand.
Clean pillowcase each night for the cat's comfort.
Kisses and being told they are the most beautiful cat in the world.
Lots of praise for just being adorable! (We suspect that you already do this, but it's an essential part of the job!)
Love the photo of you and Angel in the chair. You are a nice mom!
Scratches, snuggles and attention at any time, day or night, on demand!
Lovin' the new name for CPA :)
Being petted whenever near should be a mandatory requirement as well :)
A good CPA should leave the bedroom doors open so that you can snuggle up under the bed sheets for an afternoon nap. Don't forget too, to leave out empty boxes, bags and laundry baskets to sit in. A tip for the CPA is to be sure to have a good lint brush for cleaning up the fur left behind on couches, beds etc.
*to completely banish to oblivion the 'giant sucky thing' that makes such noise and takes away all our fur nests.
*complete rule of the bed; both drivers side & passenger sides..oh, and the foot area too.
*cooked chicken, tuna juice 'sometimes bits of tuna too' and ice cream should always be available if we are desirous of them.
*DO NOT attempt to wash us at any time, even if we have some weird sticky stuff on our feet that is driving us crazy.
*the feather toys must never be put away where we can't see them or we WILL follow you around the house making our demands known as clearly as possible until you finally get it through your head what we're 'yelling' er.. um.. telling you.
*hide treats in our bedding; the couch; chairs; and our multi level climbing thing for us to find when you have gone out for more supplies.
*stop closing the door to the sewing room; we promise on our honor not to eat any pins, but all the best warm, cozy spots are the ones you make that are still being 'quilted'.
That's a great list! I'll have to put my thinking cap on!
Hey, did your mom pick that granite to match Isabella? Ha roo roo roo!
We gave you all an award today! Please swing by when you can.
Play bows,
Sadie you look like
the boss in the house :))
Lovely shots they make my day :)
did you say it on CNN,
4 dead people and 12 life-threatening injuries :
There was an attack on the Queen.
Normal people along the side were the victim.
All festivities are canceled today.
greetz Anya
Pets. Part of my CPA job is to dole out lots and lots of pets.
The fact that your Mommy allows herself to get numb butt ought to be enough!!
a cat personal assistant should also be certain to keep a variety of toys scattered about the house for when the mood strike.
and a canine personal assistant needs to make sure when the mood strikes that the toys that are scattered about for the cats are NOT placed to closely to the canine so that canine lounging is never interupted by silly cat play.
A constant supply of fresh water be made available and daily feedings of only your favorite foods!
Door must be opened promptly at 4:00 pm for our evening romp in the yard.
Litterbox must be scooped twice daily for freshness.
Um...warm body must be available for snuggling in the middle of the night.
I was going to mention walks as a Canine Personal Assistant, but you got that one covered. Let's see... what about toy dispersements?
Your welcome for the link love - and of course you can be in on the craft-it-forward!
Does that dog always smile???! :)
Lots of back scratches and belly rubs
What a pawsome post. We really enjoyed this post and we think that all of ya's are on a very good track here, AWESOME job guys. Have a purrfect weekend.
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