Monday, April 27, 2009


Sometimes when I'm trying to nap, there are monsters under the covers that try to interrupt my sleep. Ah Ha! Gotcha monster!


Anya said...

its realy a monster LOL
Be care its maybe not safe :(
Sweet purss Kareltje

Unknown said...

You guys really can put a smile on my face and in my heart. Happy Monday!



Jodi's Book Reviews said...

Looks like fun to us, have purrfect Monday!

NAK and The Residents of The Khottage Now With KhattleDog! said...

I see a monster above AND below the khovers!

PeeEssWoo: Hi Sadie!

Laura said...

How funny! I have monsters under my bed too - they try to be helpful monsters when I make the bed!

Mishkat said...

That's a cute monster! Franklin likes to jump on Tasha when she's under the covers - she's never happy about it. (We hope Angel didn't growl at you...)

Erika said...

Did you teach her a lesson?

Anonymous said...



myminimocs said...

:) that monsters an Angel!

Beadin By The Sea said...

How cute! Thanks for the smile this morning, Isabella and the "monster"!

:-) MaryLou said...

Ha! I love that you captured the look on that face!

Live, Love, Laugh, Write! said...

LOL - that's too funny!

Duni said...

☺ hahaha...what a SWEET monster!

Anonymous said...

Good job Bella!

Giggles Angel...


The Army of Four said...

Ha roo roo roo! Good one, Isabella! (and Angel!)
Play bows,

tahtimbo said...

Is that Isabella under there? When Koko gets in one of his moods, if you move your foot under the covers, he will pounce on it and attack it.

The Monkeys said...

Nice work, Isabella! That monster looks like it might have Angel held captive (We can see some of her furs)

Anonymous said...

Uh oh! I think that monster looks familiar. Could it be Angel in monster disguise?

That's a great picture!

Roses and Lilacs said...

Toby got my foot last night. Right through the comforter and the sheets. If it moves, it needs to be caught. Ouch.

Memories for Life said...

Oh wait...she's no monster...she's my sisfur :)
Cute pics as usual :)

Lin said...

Oh, that's so funny. Is that a version of "Where's the kitty?"--my cats love that game.

Meghann said...

A-HAHAHAHA that is too funny and just TOO cat-like. You always make me smile :)

storybeader said...

a furry monster!

Country Cats said...

That furry monster under the covers looks a little bit familiar!

katz tales said...

eeek! was it a monster? or was it Angel?

Cat with a Garden said...

What a floofy monster! Those are the best!

TiLT said...

that's so great! go get 'em!

Splendid Little Stars said...

Here's to monsters!

uniquecommodities said...

hilarious! thanks for making me laugh!