This is from my archives way back when I was just starting my blog but it is once again applicable since the cooler weather is here. I hope you enjoy!
My alarm clock is a cat named Angel. Everyday without fail she goes off at 5am. She's a full body alarm clock that starts at my feet and walks up my entire body and across my pillow, often pulling my hair along the way, and then back down to my feet again. Some days she starts on my pillow, goes down to my feet and back up. Either way, she does the trick, she wakes me up. After going through all that, she wants me to lift up the covers so she can go down to my feet where she curls up and then starts her "motor". Many people have white noise machines that play sounds of the ocean or babbling brooks but there is no more relaxing sound in the world than my alarm clock's purr of a motor. This purr and soft fur against my skin are what makes my alarm clock something I actually look forward to every morning. Now if I can only figure out a way to change the time on it for a couple of hours later!

That's too cute. Chica is also a great alarm clock! She just go quite confused about daylight saving time... :-)
PS: Seems like embedded comments are working again.
That is a nice way to wake up!
aw, how cute! Great photo.
does she automatically change with daylight savings? Hmmm...
I'm glad your page is letting me leave a comment today. Tuesday I kept trying and couldn't get this comments page to appear.
I love the photo. The sound of a purring cat is the most relaxing lullaby.
Oh my that looks like a wonderful idea.
I only wish I could curl up and nap in the sunlight today!!
Oh dear you are a lovely and my Puma thinks you have the right idea too.
He's doing the same exact thing right now!!:-))
Angel, my dad would prefer you to the alarm clock my mom uses! People are usually speaking in Spanish and we can't even understand what they're saying! (Why does she have it set there? We don't know!) ;-)
Have a wonderful day!
What - she has no wind up for time adjustment ;P Wouldn't it be great if our furry friends came with one? I know our pup could use some adjustment.
Well Angel is a very beautiful alarm clock you have there. Thank you for stopping by, I am glad you enjoyed that. I have a very bad habit of not proof reading myself, lol!
That's adorable!
Angel looks so cute.
Too Cute!
5AM is good~!
Adan also alarm me at 5 as well~!!!
Koko starts out as a gentle purr, but just try and hit the "snooze button" and the howling begins. Have a great day:)
What a sweet picture of Angel. Yes, we're little alarm clocks here too!!
Sniffie and the Florida Furkids
Dear Angel, my name is Pickles and we have something in common. Partically anyway.
I LOVE to straddle my beans leg when she is in bed, or her feet, especially when she wears socks. Then I can give love bites without her jumping so much! Why do they do that when they can pick us up by the scruff of the neck and we purr?
The other thing that I like to do is walk on Mom's head and lick her lips when she "was" asleep! She never gets mad, but loves on me instead...purrrrrrr
Nice seeing you again.
That's a great alarma clock! I love to hear cats purr too.
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