We had a really good weekend celebrating our Mommy's birthday and appreciate all the comments on yesterday's post since we are going to donate $1 per comment to an animal charity. Also, Marg and her pets have accepted our PIF challenge so more animals in need will be helped thanks to them too!
Because we had so much fun, we didn't get a chance to get new photos downloaded so we are going to show you some of our recent outtakes. These may not have made the blog the first time but since they are of us, they are worthy of being seen! A lot of times, we get outtakes because Mommy takes way too long to take a picture so we always move our head just as she pushes the button on the camera like this...

and this...

Sadie sometimes has a blurry booty on her walks too...

Even when we're fuzzy, we're still cute though!
Thanks again to everyone who commented yesterday and helped us help more animals! We hope you have a great week!
glad to hear you guys had a great time. the outtakes look just fine. you know what they say...nobody's perfect =D
My human is always taking bad photos of me. You should see how many outtakes she has!
Yes you guys are always cute and I enjoy reading about your adventures every day.
I like Sadie's blurry booty!
You're right, fuzzy or not, you guys are all still adorable! Hope you have a great Monday!
Oh we missed your mom's birthday yesterday!! We're gonna go over and comment now because we wanna help the animals!! We hope we aren't too late! Our mom has been so busy lately...
Looks likeyou all really celebrated well!!
We love the outtakes!
So glad a good amount was raised and so wonderful of Marg to participate too!
We agree that even the fuzzy outtakes of you guys are worth looking at! You all look fabulous, but we giggled at Isabella's picture the most!
LOL ~ I have some of those fuzzy photos too!
Happy Monday!
xo Catherine
Sadie's booty and your sweet faces are a treat to see regardless.
And I do the same thing when mommy tries that flashy box in front of ME too. I close my eyes, turn my head...put my head on the floor. i have fun messing with mommy.
Woooos! We take the same kind of photos! I hate that flashy box sometimes.We are so sorry we missed woo Mom's Birthday post, I hope she had a very happy one and made lots of money fur the animals!
~husky kisses~
-Kira The BeaWootiful
With my cats, all I have are outtakes LOL
Outakes are funny.
Glad you had a fun weekend.
We are so happy you all had a good birthday weekend.
Um, a lot of the outtakes look like what we see after hitting the nip a bit too much...
How right you are! Even with a blurry bootie you're all cuties!
Outtakes from movies always crack me up and these are no exception! Love the one of Isabella:)
You guys are always cute!
Yay for helping animals! so glad your mommy had a good birthday!
WE always enjoy seeing the outtakes of the pictures. Angel you do look a little silly. Our mom takes too long too to take the picture. Sadie you look just fine all blurry. Thanks for the shout out.
Have a great day.
Oh we are sad we missed commenting yesterday but it sounds like it was a big success! And we love the outtakes - they are very cute!
Sometimes the blurry photos are the best! These are all good - ours usually have our heads turned all the way around to avoid the flash.
And thanks for donating so much money! You all are the best.
Glad you had a good weekend and your mom enjoyed her birthday. I love the outtakes, and yes, you guys are even cute blurry. At least I know I'm not the only one who is too slow pushing the button on the camera sometimes. :)
Glad you had a great Birthday. Fuzzy or not the pictures are lovely.. Hugs GJ xx
Happy belated Birthday to your Mommy! We're sorry we're late in concatulating. It's great that your Mommy had a fabulous day.
Purrs, Siena & Chilli
So cute! And happy belated birthday too! ♥
Thanks fur sharing the outtakes!
Of khourse, woo know my favourite!
PeeEssWoo: Hi Sadie!
You girls are all ALWAYS cute!!!
Play bows,
Fuzzy is fun! :)
I think it takes a hundred bad photos to get one good one! Well, that's what happens at our house. ;)
I think everyone is still very cute--even if they are blurry.
My Mom has lots of pictures like that too! Thank you for donating and helping all those animals who aren't as lucky as us! Love, Moon
It's our jobs to make mommies take some fuzzy fotos 'cause otherwise they thinks it's too easy! Thanks to mommy for giving all that money to those poor critters!
Lova and Cookie
Bloopers are always nice; especially fuzzy ones of furry friends.
You girls don't take a bad photo! You're all so cute :)
They may be fuzzy, but they are still fun to look at.
I hope you had a really great birthday!!
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