It's Tortie Tuesday! I've been napping a lot lately because, well, just because I want to. 

Anyway, it doesn't seem that my mommy has figured out that napping is a time that I want peace and quiet and that means no flashy beast!

I think she thinks I don't see her...

Think she'll figure it out now?

Sheesh. Even Torties can use a little beauty sleep from time to time. Speaking of which, back to sleep to become even more beautiful...

Hope you have a beautiful Tortie Tuesday!
Isabella, maybe you can work out a deal with Sadie and have her sit on the camera when you want to get some uninterrupted beauty rest!
My dear, we think you are at MAXIMUM beauty, the world would explode if you were any more!!
You must nap a lot seeing you're so pretty. Those paparazzi people are pests, but we do love the pics they put out.
Well Isabella I think it is time for you to look around for a better napping place. Not today of course. You need your nap time.
Sweet Isabella ~ you are so beautiful now! You kitties are just so adorable ~ us mommys just can't help bringing out the flashy beast all the time. Even if you are taking a nap! :)
Happy Tuesday!
xo Catherine
We don't think it's possible for you to be more beautiful, Isabella! You definitely don't need beauty sleep!
I don't think you need a "beauty" sleep, but a nice nap always does a kitty/person good. Enjoy, pally! Don't let Mommeh bug you too much.
Sheesh - that pesky flashy-box is EVERYWHERE ;-)
Wooos Isabella! I so feel woo pain, that flashy beast is always going off when I just settle in fur a nice nap.
~husky kisses~
-Kira The BeaWootiful
Beauty sleep is very important for a professional model such as yourself!
The life of a Tortie...jealous am I!
Isabella, we think you are pretty gorgeous so we think you just need some naps to get rested up for the times that the flashy box comes around. You need to give that camera a good whap.
Hope all of you have a really fine day.
I've been napping a lot lately too - maybe 'cause I'm not sleeping at night? Love the photo with one eye open!
Isabella, we unnerstand. The amount of sleep needed just to keep up with the fur production is ASTOUNDING! Not to mention the energy expended in cleaning, eating, Tortitude, etc.
Oh how I know it too!
I mean, she just took a pikh with her khrakhkberry of me resting up fur my walk -
And since I'm ALL khomfy, woo know how I am pawsitioned ;=)
PeeEssWoo: Hi Sadie!
Well, you sure showed you were not going to get up and move, no matter what!
You are already SO beautiful. And, you nap furry cutely too!
We agree with you 100%!!
Love, Katydid and Kirby
Don't hate you because you are beautiful?
We think your Mom knows how beautiful you are when you sleep and so she just can't resist. Great set of pics.
Woos ~ Phantom, Thunder, and Ciara
Isabella! I agree - Beauty sleep is of the utmost importance!! :)
Naps are the bestest part of any day. Maybe you three could team up and hide the flashy box from your Mommy.
We can't figure out why humans are so obsessed with that flash either! But we are glad we got to see these photos of you, so maybe it's an OK trade-off.
Hide that flashy box! Hide yourself! But then we wouldn't get to see you, would we? and that would be sad.
You are so beautiful cause you're a Tortie like ME! Us Torties are in a class by ourselves, aren't we? Mommy also bothers me when I'm trying to nap. Why do mommies DO that!?
I wish I could nap more. I wouldn't even mind a flashy box if I could take more naps :)
I hope you got to enjoy your nap, Isabella! Happy Tortie Tuesday to you too! :)
Oh I know just what you mean about the flashy beast.. Enjoy your snooze, but you need no beauty sleep, you are beautiful.. HUgs GJ xx
You don't miss a thing, even when your catnapping!
How in the world could you get any cuter?!?!?
I love your feet-feet!
Play bows,
You must be getting lots of sleep Angel because you are looking prettier than ever! Sweet dreams! Love, Moon
don't be too hard on mommy. she just loves you girls so much. i'm sure once you got back to your nap...all was well in the world again, right? =D
Yeah, what is with that flashy thing and our beans? *yawn* looks like a nice napzzzzzzzzzzz.....
Forrest and Pal
Yoo are beautiful enuff already ~ but sleeping is nice anyway.
Beauty sleep is a good thing!
I have to share that Isabella reminds me of my dear Mystic that got hit by a car over 15 years ago. She was one cool cat and I still miss her. That said...I love your Isabella!
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