It's Tortie Tuesday which of course is a day I love since it's all about me but today I just wasn't in the mood for a photo shoot. Do you have those days that you look for inspiration in one place...

and then another place...

and then realize you just need to proceed straight ahead?

But then some days it's best to just look for inspiration from a totally different view!

How ever you look at it today, I hope you have a Happy Tortie Tuesday!
What do woo think Sadie?
The last pose is my favorite angle from which to view things!
Happy Tortie day to you!
the camera loves you! i hope you found your inspiration after all that looking :)
We LOVE all those angles!
Isabella, you look so pretty from all angles! What a fabulous model you are!
Happy Tortie Tuesday!
Proceeding straight ahead is usually the best way to go but I think I like your idea of looking from a different view.
Still a lovely photo shoot in the end :) even though the mind is not willing.. but the heart is :) happy tortie tuesdays Is :)
Oh Isabella we love your Tortie Tuesdays they make us smile.
How cute you are! We hope you found your inspiration today.
Sometimes my inspiration is curling up in a ball for a quick snoozy! I think it would be good to be a cat somedays! :)
Happy Tortie Tuesday Isabella!
xo Catherine
I have those days all the time, Isabella! The difference between you and me is, you seem to find the inspiration and I just avoid Mom and the flashy box!
Yes, Isabella, sometimes you do have to look around to find your inspiration for the day.
Well Isabella I like your last view. You look very comfortable and beautiful as usual.
Isabella, No matter which way you "look" you are one cute kitty!
It's Tortie Tuesday already? I love seeing all your beautiful colors. My tortie Sugar has an orange paw just like you!
We think you have the purrfect view!
Sniffie and the Florida Furkids
Those are some great inspirations Isabella. You look terrific in all of the pictures but the last one is the best. We hate having our pictures taken. Hope you have a wonderful day.
Isabella, you are a great model! We like to turn our head all the way around when our humans try to take our picture (you wouldn't believe how many photos mom has of the backs of our heads), so we think you are very patient.
Isabella, We think upside down is best. Then we can get our tummies rubbed a lot!
That is very good advice.
No matter how you look at it...You're one cute kitty :)
Hi Isabella! We know exactly what you are talking about!!
Happy Tortie Tuesday!
We look for inspiration in the kitchen!
OMG! I love this post and the photos. I have been sorting through papers/files and I found myself thinking of inspiration so this post was very purrtinent and timely.
And anytime I get to look at things upside down is a good time:)
Lol, I agree, sometimes a little change in perspective is all we need for inspiration! Happy Tortie Tuesday to you too! :)
Oh, yeah. I totally get where you're coming from, Isabella! Totally!
Isabella - we is going to look at everything from the nap view today. Yep. napzzzzzzzzzzzzzz
Pal and Forrest
I have them days all the time Isabella! Glad to know you do too! Love, Moon
For some reason, Mom has a big smile on her face. Great post, fantastic pics.
Woos ~ Phantom, Thunder, and Ciara
Hugs to you, cutie pie! Love your sweet face!
Cute as always!
Quick note to invite you to hop over to my blog where I'll ad updates regarding Jan at Animal Talk, my SIL so you can keep informed on her condition post surgery.
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