It's Tortie Tuesday! Normally I'm very reserved and extremely mellow but I do have a silly side that I show every so often...

That wasn't it - that was my cute side. This is my silly side...

See my teefs?

My silly side makes my beans giggle every time.

Maybe they are the silly ones and not me. What do you think?
Hope you have a Happy Tortie Tuesday!
PeeS: We decided to donate $1 per comment on both Saturday and Sunday's post to animal charities. Half will go to a charity for senior dogs, the other half to a charity that helps kitties. Thanks for all your comments!
Oh, it is definitely the humans who are the silly ones! But I do think your human is pawsome for donating money for two days' worth of comments!
Hmmm ... we suspect yoo are both silly; like a sort of genetic inheritance. BUT the good thing is, silly is awesome!
Every side is ever so bootiful!!
Isabella you are just such a sweet girl and we here love reading about your adventures.
Woof! Woof! Not silly at all ... just a cutie. Lots of Golden Woofs, Sugar
I think all of your sides are adorable, Isabella!
Humans are definitely the silly ones, but you're absolutely adorable, Isabella!
You're so generous to be donating to those charities! Way to go!
Isabella, we love seeing your silly side. Those little vampire teeth are so cute!
P.S. Thanks to you, your sisfurs, and your mom for your purrs for Blackie - very much appreciated.
Isabella you have it all. A cute side and a silly side. All in one photo shoot. You are a star.
all of your sides are beautiful..we are Torties and so we look like a beautiful Autumn tree show outside. We're stunning.
I am thinking your teeth look nice and white Isabella ~ you must brush regularly! :)
And you are probably right ~ it's the humans who act so silly around such cute kitties!
xo Catherine
what a cutie!
We are giggling too Isabella too so I guess the hooomans are very silly. What a great thing to do for the senior dogs and the kittens. That is just terrific. Isabella, Angel and Sadie you have a great Mom.
Have a good day.
You are silly but also sooo lovable!:)
nothing like being in touch with our silly side. i like all your sides...and think donating to charities to help other animals is a great idea.
You're cute and silly wrapped up together.
What a lovely thing about the donations.
I think you're cute at every angle :)
And how generous of your mommy to donate from both Sat. and Sun. posts!!!
I think you are gorgeous! I do wonder why cats seem to like this particular position--maybe beings look better that way?
Well, I've been blog surfing this morning and found your's. I have to say that pretty kitties are just about tops on my list of favorite things. I have four of my own. Love the idea of donating per comment, so I, of course, just had to leave my own comment.
That toofie is making me giggle!
Isabella, we LOVE being we think it's just great that you have a silly side (with fangs!) too.
Mommy says humans are silly, too. As if we didn't know THAT already!
pee ess: Mommy got a couple compliments on her pink earrings today!
Happy TortieToofie Tuesday!
How khute (and tasty) -
That was furry/purry pawesome on the pawnations!
PeeEssWoo: Hi Sadie! Please thank your mommy fur me!
What a nice idea to donate to such worthy causes.
I absolutely love todays pictures. Isabella You are just precious with your cute side, your silly side , all sides are wonderful!! I musn't forget your teef are fabulous too.
Silly kitty but still adorable kitty. Pawesome PIF, kudos to your Mom.
Woos ~ Phantom, Thunder, and Ciara
Your silly side is absolutely adorable! I love that picture showing your teefs! Happy Tortie Tuesday to you too! :)
I don't which one of you are the silly ones but I do know that even your silly side is pretty cute.
Dear Isabella,
We think you are beautiful! And we love your teefs, too!
Oliver and Earnest
We're all silly sometimes Isabella! You're cute when you're silly! That's so nice of you all to help out the doggies and kitties! Love, Moon
Thank you for the smile, Isabella! I like the fang in the third photo. Have you been "bitten" by the vampire bug, too? :)
You look great with those smiley teefs!
Isabella we think all your sides are cute! And oh, your teefs sticking out - mom just adores kitties who have their teefs stick out (of course she adores all kitties, but the teefs just get her every time - Kirzon's do too).
I think these are just very cute pics Is :) pretty cute closeups!
Well... I giggled, too.... so I'm not sure how to answer that one! But I think BOTH sides are your cute sides!
Cute, silly, wild eyes! Our little 'Fifi' reminds us of you! I'll snap some pix this weekend, as her eyes are already open!
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