Since Labor Day is coming up here in the U.S., the current EtsyBloggers blog carnival asks how we celebrate this 'official' end of summer and what it means to us. Well, this time of year is special because our mommy's birthday is August 28th and she's going to take off work the week between her birthday and Labor Day. Our mommy will be a squizillion more than 3 but here's a demonstration of how we'll celebrate this weekend...

Labor Day also signals the end of summer vacations which means less tourists on the beach! 

And it means windows will be open more often as the temperature gets cooler...

It also means Daddy will be getting ready to go back to school too so we'll have to help him keep his straight As again...

So, we are sad that summer is almost over but we are looking forward to the things that this time of year brings.
What does Labor Day mean to you?
Around here, summer means my human is mostly absent because she is spending all her time in Hollywood at an annual vintage film festival called Cinecon. Which also means our schedules are completely off and we get lots of late or early meals. So I'm not exactly in love with Labor Day.
Labor Day means a three day weekend for me and that's always a good thing. Duke's dad's birthday is the 27th so him and your mom will both be celebrating. He's a squizillion years more than 3 too
We don't have Labor Day here in the UK ~ but we do have the start of Autumn, with cooler temperatures, and less tourists (we live in a beautiful seaside town that attracts lots of people in summer). And we love the Autumn colours and the crunchy leaves unde paw.
Well it may be the end of summer there, here in Australia it heralds the beginning of Spring. We here hope your mum has the best time possible.
Well those are great things to look forward too- especially Mommy's birthday!!! Any surprises planned for her? ;-)
Momma has to work on Labor Day so it doesn't feel like a holiday to us. But it signals the beginning of cooler weather, which means more time Outside (yay!) and open windows(yay!)AND cool, snuggling weather with firepit time on the weekends (YAY!!). But it also means the start of peak (busy) season for Momma's work so she'll be working more now until after Christmas. **sigh**
Oh, Happy (almost) Birthday! I love Labor Day because it signifies that autumn (with its cooler temps and lovely leaves!) is coming. And then after that, the holidays! ;)
I would like to hang on to summer a bit longer. But oh well. Sept is kind of sad for us this year. We will be losing Maya during the day. She will be going to first grade. A full day. We only have her before and after.
Woof! Woof! Yes labor Day is a sign that Summer is over. Advance Happy Birthday to you mom. Glad she plan to take some time off. My mom is thinking to join Etsy. Lots of Golden Woofs, Sugar
Woooos! I love the picture of Sadie running on the beach! Wind blowing through her furs! That is what I hope to be doing this Labor Day. To Mom it means, time to get ready fur Christmas!!!!!
~husky kisses~
-Kira The BeaWootiful
I see Labor Day as the beginning of change--fall will be arriving and I can run around with less people in my way since they are at school:) But I also like the shopping for holidays and waiting for cooler weather.
Happy early Birthday Sharla!!!
Love that picture of Sadie on the beach...gave me a big smile :)
This year...Labor Day means time with my parents!!!
Looks like you all are in for a busy few days Isabella! And a very big Happy Birthday to your mom! Labour Day weekend has no plans for us... yet! :)
Have a terrific day ladies!
xo Catherine
For our beans, Labor Day is a 3 day weekend, where they have people over and do LOTS of BBQing (that means NOMS for us!). Mom also says that she is thankful that her and dad have jobs and are employed, especially in today's economy. Mom even has a part-time bartending job, so she will work Sunday of Labor Day weekend from 11-6. Not too bad, then come home to a couple people BBQing at our house. She did however say, she WILL be having some wine that Sunday!
Happy Birthday, mine was the 25th, yesterday so we're both August babies. Enjoy your week off with your buddies!
We are glad that your mom is getting to take some time off - we know how hard she works.
School started here this past Monday, so mostly what Labor Day means to us is a three-day weekend :)! This year, we also hope it means cooler weather because this summer has been rough.
P.S. We would very much appreciate it if you would remind us about your mom's birthday on the day. Our human likes to think she will remember, but we doubt it!
In and of itself, not a thing. but the beginning of September is the beginning of a new year...forget that January 1st nonsense...
We dont have labour day here but it is the start of autumn.. Enjoy your time of and have a great birthday.. HUgs GJ xx
Oh, those are great photos! My fave is Sadie running on the beach!!!
Labor Day means all kinds of stuff! The promise of cooler weather is at the forefront of my mind right now!
Tail wags,
Well happy birthday to your mommy!
Gosh our assistant is so out of it, she forgot that Labor day is right around the corner.Lucky Mom gets some time off between that special day for her and Labor day. I bet she isn't over four.
Labor day just means to us hopefully some cooler days but we arn't looking forward to the really cold days and nights. We are just never satisfied.
Have a great day.
Wow, can not believe summer is over..where did it go? lol...Fall here means lots of work... raking leaves, putting in wood, raking leaves, putting away lawn furniture, raking the leaves... get the picture...lots of trees with leaves!
Summer seems to be a more relaxing time of the year, but we will all be very happy to see this one go away - way too hot for way too long.
Good luck to your Dad, we are sure he will do well. And early Happy Birthday wishes to your sweet Mom.
Woos ~ Phantom, Thunder, and Ciara
Where did the summer go? It flew by this year!
Labor day means I can start snuggling up with my Mom at night again cause it's too hot for that in the summer! I'm glad you're Mom is going to have time off for her birthday! Love, Moon
I don't think we have a labour day here. Does May Day count? What we do have are lots of muslim holidays that practically no other country celebrates. Today is one of those; I've asked about but nobody can tell me what it's about.
Happy early Birthday!!! I hope you have a fantastic day!
That photo of Sadie running on the beach is great. We (meaning the cats) are very happy to have the windows open more often. It seems that when we are closed-up all day, they wander around like their lost or something :)
I have missed seeing all your cute smiles!! Glad to see you are all still well!
My mom thought she remembered your mom's day was khlose to ours!
Here's to a great birthday fur your mom!
I'm sure woo will make hers purry and furry special as I did fur mine!
PeeEssWoo: Hi Sadie! Please give your mom a khyss from us!
How great will it be to have your mom home all week! Yay!!
We like Labor Day because it means our mom will be home an extra day!! But Labor Day makes our mom a little sad because it's the end of summer...and even though she likes fall alot, it means winter is gonna come...and she doesn't like the cold and snow.
Well, living in Florida, summer means snowbirds. So we get busier beaches instead of less-busy ones. Bummer!
Love the pictures. We can't wait to open our windows, too!
I just wish Labor Day would mean cooler temps in my neck of the woods.
Happy Birthday, pats, and cat kisses you all!
BTW...great photos.:)
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God Bless You ~Ron
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