We're hanging out and trying to make our Sunday as long as possible since we don't like Mondays. That's the day the trash truck, the recycle truck AND the yard waste truck all come through our cul-de-sac. That's 3 times we get disturbed! Plus, I like to lay on the crinkly paper in the newspaper recycle bin...

But on Sunday, Daddy empties the papers out of my bin for recycle on, you guessed it, Monday! I'll stay here and enjoy the crinkly paper as long as I can today though. Uh oh, I think I hear him coming...

Hope you are able to relax on nice, crinkly paper today!
PeeS: Today is the last day of the EtsyBloggers Anniversary sale. BeadedTail is offering 15% off all items (excluding shipping) and check out the other EtsyBlogger deals here.
Have a nice, relaxing Sunday! Angel, love your newspaper basket! Sammy likes his newspapers 'uncrinkled'
Stand your ground!! Don't let them toss out the newspaper!!
I've got a great idea, Angel! Tell your male human to leave a few crinkly papers for you to lie on. At least that will make it not as bad to get disturbed three times on Monday.
The look in the last picture says "Please don't take my crinkly papers" Hold that look Angel and maybe your dad won't take them this week.
I'm sorry Angel. But when it is time for recycle day the paper must go. It has to make room so you can still lay in there. Maybe he'll leave a couple of pieces. Have a restful day.
Yes Angel.....stand your ground!! Your Daddy doesn't need to empty your crinkly papers until very, very last thing at night.
Oh Angel, that is too bad you are going to lose your crinkly papers. But surely there will be more added this week. You sure look cute sitting in your papers. Have a great Sunday and we hope it lasts a long time.
Enjoy your crinkly paper! My kitties are not particularly fond of crinkly!
Just tell Daddy you won't budge Angel.. hehhehehee.. tell him to come by laters for the papers :) have a great weekend dear!
Banjo just seems to chew the crinkly paper and make a mess. I wish he would learn to just lay on it like you Angel! :)
xo Catherine
You and I love to be in the crinkly paper! I also have to give up my residence in the bin by Wednesday night. Maybe we could visit on another when our own bin is emptied, and enjoy the other bin?
Angel, you look so pretty in the recycling bin! And we hate those trash trucks too (ours come on Friday) - but not as much as the horrible UPS man!
I often manage to settle myself on the Sunday paper as Mom reads it -
We hope woo khan stay khool today!
Khyra and Khousin Merdie
PeeEssWoo: Hi Sadie!
*gasp* don't let him get the crinkly paper! You just make sure you make a nice comfy nest and look up at him with big, friendly kitten eyes so he takes pity on you for a bit :)
Awww...who could resist those eyes and make you move?:)
You looks so cute in the paper recycling box. How could Dad disturb such a cutie pie. Enjoy it while you can.
Yup Sundays produce a lot of crinkly paper - my Frankie LOVES the crinkly paper chair!
Just think of how much space you will have without the papers in the basket....
Angel, we fink they shud give yoo your own recycled noos-paper basket!
Enjoy it while yoo can.
We think you need TWO baskets. One for crinkly paper + kitty, one just for the paper.
We detest the garbage truck, too.
Our trash guys all come on Monday too!! Sometimes they come real early and disrupt our naps. How rude of them!
That sunbeam looks mighty inviting, too!
Play bows,
Enjoy that crinkly paper while you can!
You are very cute even in your disturbed state!
Awww, what a sweet picture! I'm trying to make the most of my Sunday too! ;) I hope you're having a wonderful weekend!
I like sleeping on newspapers too Angel! They feel so cool when it's hot. Hope you all are having a great Sunday! Love, Moon
You are very intelligent, Angel.You even enjoy the newspaper; the Sunday is my favorite as well:)
They keep a stack of papers for you, though, don't they sweetie? We like Sundays too - except for the noisy second hand newspaper people...
But aren't those papers uncomfortable?? I think you need a basket with some blankies in it instead. :)
That sounds like a nice way to spend the day. We don't take the newspaper, so our two don't get a lot of opportunities to lay on crinkly paper. However, if there are any plastic bags, wrapping paper, tissue paper, or boxes, you can be sure that they will be right there :)
I hope you all had a relaxing Sunday!
I nearly slept all day. that's why i'm perusing around so late tonight. hope you guys had a great one :)
Hope you and your mommy both got to relax on Sunday :)
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