Today is a very special Sadieday because it's my mommy's birthday! She turns a squizillion and two today so I'm taking her on a special stroll on a forest path in the Cascade mountains! Do you want to come along? Okay, let's go!

Since it's Mommy's birthday I even let her off leash so she can explore all the new smells sights...

I also sort of let her take a picture of my face...

Oh, okay, I can do a little better job of letting her take a picture of my face today. It's not my fault I ran to her too fast and she wasn't ready but hey, at least I smiled!

Time to head back to my SUV (Sadie Utility Vehicle)* and go get some birthday cake! 

Do you wanna see a photo of me and the birthday girl? If I show you, you can't tell her okay? Alright, here we are (I'm the cute one on the right)...

I hope you enjoyed coming along with me today! Have a great Sadieday!
*Thanks to Tim at Everyday Living for naming my SUV the Sadie Utility Vehicle!
Hiya Sadie,
Happy bithday to your mum and I have to say a very young looking mum too.
Thanks for the special stroll today Sadie. I would have you tell your mom that she looks great for a squizillion and two but then she would know you showed us her picture. Instead just tell her I said...
Happy birthday to you
Happy birthday to you
Happy birthday dear Sharla
Happy birthday to you
Beautiful post with beautiful happy beings. What a great lift this morning. Thank you for sharing the walk and many more happy birthdays!
Happy birthday to your BOOTIFUL mummy!!! If she was a kitty, I'd be smoochin' her.
Happy birthday to your human! She does not look a day over a squizillion and one - maybe even younger than that!
wow...your mommy's had a busy couple of weeks. first mommy and daddy's anniversary. now mommy's very own birthday!!!!!!!
Happy Birthday!! Hope you guys have a wonderful day/weekend/month/year...
...guess that covers it =D
A very happy birthday to yoor beautiful mommy from us all. Enjoy that yummy cake.
We love the portrait of yoo togevver ~ it's such a happy photo.
Happy, happy birthday to your Mommy!!! I LOVE that photo of the two of you. It is so special (like your mommy). Hope she enjoys her day and gets pampered a lot :)
Happy birthday to Sadie's Mommy. What a gorgeous picture of you both!
Happy Birthday Sharla! It looks like you and Sadie had a wonderful stroll. Hope you enjoy your special day.
What a wonderful stroll Sadie, thank you so much for letting us into your world this morning. Tell mommy happy birthday for me, and that I miss all of you so very much.
God bless,
Sending your mom the BIGGEST hug and wishing her the happiest of Happy Birthdays! I hope she has a terrific day. And the photo of you and her is adorable. It's always so nice to get a glimpse of the gal behind the camera! ;)
Loves and hugs,
xo Catherine & Banjo
What a great stroll Sadie. It is good to see you take such good care of mommy.You are always beautiful. And don't tell mommy but I think she is also. Just tell her Grampy said Happy Birthday Sharla.
HAPPY BIRTHDAY. Hope you have the best birthday ever. I do have a question --- How can you be a squizillion and two when I am only 39?
Mommy Dearest
Happy birthday, Sharla! We are wishing you many happy returns. That's a gorgeous photo of you and Sadie - you both look beautiful (and you certainly do NOT look like you are a squillion and two - must be those good genes :)!)
Hugs and purrs from Katie and the cats
P.S. Sadie, it was nice of you to let your mom off the leash for a special birthday treat. We know you take good care of her!
Since Ann already sang Happy Birthday...I can only say - it was a great walk, and a funny post and now I'm all smiling - like Sadie...
Happy Birthday Sharla! (a squizillion and two - that's funny!)
Happy Birthday! I love the necklace you featured with the roses and pearls. Sadie is awesome too.
How pawesome!
I was hoping woo would let her off her leash on this special Sadie Day Stroll!
Thanks fur sharing the beaWOOtiful Birthday Girl and the beaWOOtiful Sadie too!
We wish your mommy a furry happy day!
Khyra and Her Recent Birthday Mom who is even older than your mommy!
PeeEssWoo: We loved the khoy shot too!
Happy Birthday Mom! That is a awesome picture of you two. Definitely frame it. Have a love day.
Sadie, it was very nice of you to let your mom explore off the leash today. And she looks fantastic for being a squizillion and two; I wish I looked so good! Tell your Momma that I said "HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!!"
Sadie, now we see why you worry when you let your Mommy off the leash, she doesn't look old enough to be legal! A squizillion and two, our left feet!
Happy Happy Birthday Sharla, you and Sadie look so happy in your special day photo.
Happy Birthday to your Mom! You two look so cute together! I hope she has the best birthday! Give her a big wet kiss for us. Love, Moon and Reeni
Happy birthday to your mom!
Happy birthday to your mom!
Happy birthday to your moooooooooommmmm
Happy birthday to your mom!!!!!!!
I love that picture of the two of you! (And I'd know you anywhere!)
Hey, those huge rocks in that first of your stroll are so cool! I heard mom and dad talking about putting some rock in the front garden - they should use ones like that!
Play bows,
This is an awesome post... I loved taking that stroll with you!
Happy Birthday!
Hiya smiled extra big for us and that portrait of you and your mom? Most excellent!!!
Tell her me and my mommy wish her a happy happy birthday with lots of fun and the best birthday ever. Having you already gets her to the best part. ♥
The last photo is by far my fave on the blog :) Had me and Harley both smiling!!!
Happy birthday Sharla! That's great that you and Sadie got to walk someplace so gorgeous on your birthday. :) Enjoy the rest of your weekend!
Happiest of furdays to you Shar! xoxo
Ms. Stella O'Houligan
Miss Jack
Miss Jenga
Our Lovely Laddie Larry
oh, and That Woman too who lets us batt at her birds in the ears toys she got from you!
Your mom doesn't look a day over a squillion
Happy Birthday!
Happy Happy Birthday Sharla. Hope you are having a special day. That picture of the two of you brought a huge smile to our Mom's face. Thanks for doing that. Mom certainly is NOT a squillion years old. Especially not a squillion and two.
Hope you have a great day and many more. Sadie, thanks for letting Mom off the leash today.
What a beautiful stroll Sadie!
Happy Birthday Sharla!!!
What a beautiful picture of you and Sadie girl :)
Oh my gosh Sadie! The picture with you and your Mom is precious! Tell her Happy Birthday for me.
Julie Magers Soulen Photography
Happy Birthday to your special Mom, Sadie - we bet she loved that beautiful Sadiestroll you took her on. That is one very beautiful photo of the two of you.
Woos ~ Phantom, Thunder, and Ciara
Sadie, tell your mommy Happy Birthday. Now I see why you are so beautiful. ;)
Happy birthday Sharla. You both have wonderful smiles for this happy occasion. Enjoy your day and have a blessed year!
Hugz and purrz,
Lynn, Dubi and Sophia
What a special day! We get to see your mom! Happy Birthday to you!! You look very young, I assumed you were older. That place looks great! Nice of Sadie to finally let you take a picture of her face for a change! Hope you have a great year!
What a sweet picture of you and your mom! We wish your mom a very Happy Birthday!
Happy, Happy Birthday!!!! That's a great photo of you and Sadie...I'm talking you could frame it :)
I hope you had a great day and Happy Birthday, again!
Have a fantastic birthday...
Happy Birthday Sharla...and Sadie, it was so special of you to take your Momma on such a beautiful walk on her birthday...your a very special furbaby!
Oh Sadie! That was very special! You and your birthday mommy look wonderful and happy together! Happy, happy birthday to your mommy!!!
Happy Birthday! Love your "Sadie Utility Vehicle" How very cute. You always get such great pics of Sadis' face. Nice to see yours too. Have a great birthday weekend.
Happy Birthday Sharla!!
We almost missing a birthday party!
HAPPY HAPPY birthday Sharla :))
I hope you had a FANTASTIC day
and a big party yeahhhh......
Anya :))
So so sweet from you Sadie
Be always careful with your Mommy
she walks everyday with you
everyday fresh food ....
and everyday many hugs and kisses
Your Mommy is the best !!
~ Enjoy Sadie and pamper your Mom.
((hugs also for your sisters
and afcourse for your Mommy
Kareltje =^.^= )
I don't know who is more beautiful, Sadie! You and Mommeh are so pretty!!
Happy Birthday, Sharla! Don't worry, I'm a cabillion and two as well. :)
Hope your day was a great one--I'm sorry that I am late with the b-day wishes. I don't think I have ever seen your photo--you are so cute!!!
Oh, Sadie - yous had a good stroll with mommy! We won't tells her that you showed off the cool picture - it's a good one!
Happy FurDay!
Cookie and Lova
Happy belated birthday, Sharla! You both are sooo cute! Thanks for sharing Sadie!
Happy Belated Birthday to your mom, Sadie!! What a wonderful walk you took her on!!
Happy Bday ( a bit late)...great stroll - fab smile there Sadie...and we won't tell Mommy you posted her too :P
Happy Belated Birthday to you Sharla.. and finally we see your face.. thanks to Sadie! Hope you have had a great celebration!
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