Happy Sadieday! I look forward to my Sadieday stroll all week and can't wait to get started so if you're ready, let's go and kick up some dust on these trails!

It's much cooler this weekend so I can go faster on this stroll...

Well, until I have to stop and wait on Mommy...

I try and get her to hurry up by making her think there's something in the bushes ahead by putting up my ears. Normally my ears are back listening to her but when I put them up like I'm listening to something, it makes her nervous and she puts a little pep in her step...

Of course there's nothing there, I just want her to speed up - do you think she's buying it?

Uhm, nope. I just have to go back to be closer to her.

Oh well, I still had fun on my stroll and hope you did too!
Have a great Sadieday!
I've been visiting with you on these strolls for quite a while now, Sadie, and I've come to the conclusion that dogs have almost as hard a time training humans as we cats do!
Hi Sadie, I enjoyed the visit and hope you got a long cool drink at the end.
That was another great walk Sadie. At least one thing. You didn't have to put Mommy on her leash. I think she might be getting faster.
I love your walks in the woods, and other "off road" places. Good ear work!
Another wonderful stroll! We hope your Mommy appreciates the care and attention you are giving to her training. LOVE the scenery!!
Sadie, Duke has the same problem getting me to put some pep in my step when we go out for a stroll. Maybe you and Duke should go out strolling while us moms sit in a nice shady spot with our feet up :)
Cool ear trick, Sadie. But those Moms are just too smart. We still envy you being able to let Mom stay off leash, ours can never be trusted.
Happy Sadieday!
Woos ~ Phantom, Thunder, and Ciara
That was a good walk, Sadie. I like when you wait for us. I didn't want to spill my coffee by going too fast. ;)
Woo are a pawesome exercise khoordinator!
Thanks fur sharing another khool stroll!
Khyra and Khousin Merdie
Sadie, you are looking fine. And you are a nice pooch to wait on your human.
And you had your Mommy off leash I see..
Oh jeeze - see you have to read all the comments - after I posted mine I scrolled up and saw that someone else noticed your Mommy was off her leash...but you know that was the first thing I noticed
Yay for the cooler weather and a great stroll :)
Thanks so much for that great stroll Sadie. Glad you didn't try to hurry Mom too much. We don't want to wear her out entirely. I see your tongue is hanging out. Hope you have a great rest of the day.
We have to agree with Sparkle...Humans are hard to train, no matter if it's a Woofie or a Cat doing the training. But we admire your perseverance!
What a great stroll, you keep mommy in great shape Sadie :)
Have a great weekend!
You're a hoot!
I had tons of fun, Sadie! Thanks for taking us with you. I could almost smell those huge pine trees!
sadie - you look like you're moving a little fast this morning. Your Mommy will have to put the fan on high! Or is that an ulterior motive? Keep cool! {:-D
That tongue is dragging a little, Sadie! I'll bet you got a nice big drink of water after your stroll. Thanks for the trip!
Hehe. Your tongue wagging in the last picture is so cute! Looks like it was a great stroll... even if your mommy couldn't keep up!
We always have fun strolling with you Sadie! Hope you're having a great weekend! Love, Moon
Sadie, your strolls always make me want to go for one....
Ah,I love Sadieday!
I always enjoy Sadieday strolls! You are a clever dog, Sadie, with your tricks on how to put a little pep in mommy's step! (That would put a little pep in my step too! :) )
That's a very nice stroll with you mommy this week :) Glad you even manage to trick her too to hurry up a bit.. hehehhehee.. smart girl!
You always seem to find the best paths to walk along Sadie. Hope you had a wonderful Sadieday.
xo Catherine & Banjo
Your strolls almost make us wish we were doggies!
Thanks for a fun stroll! Sorry I'm a few days late, but I am having computer problems and it's difficult to stay connected.
I hope you had a great Sadieday!
That ears trick is a good one - we uses our noses and points with them. It freaks out Missie in the house. *LOL Human* Nice walk!
Lova and Cookie
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