Friday, May 31, 2013

Friday Features

Welcome to the last Friday Features in May!  Where the heck did May go?  This week has been hectic since my husband is working at the coast so I've been going back and forth to see him since I'm not to the point where I can leave the cats home alone yet.  Yeah, so they're 7 years old, I'll maybe be able to one day!  We'll all be glad when he comes home today - especially Isabella!  Anyway, time is flying by but I'm able to slow down and relax at the coast so today's features are inspired by the beach including the color of the ocean in my new earrings.  Hope time slows down for you and hope you enjoy my picks! 

Click on the links above the photos for more info on items or shops featured.

Thursday, May 30, 2013

Inspiration in Bloom

Mommy came up with this month's BBArtisans team challenge to create something with flowers and let your imagination bloom.  Well, since she has a hard time with that imagination part we thought we'd help her out.  She at least bought the supplies although at this point, we have no idea what to do with them...

She got a sunflower type flower since she's from Kansas.  See what we mean about the imagination thing...

And there's also some sticks curved into a circle.  I suggested she put the flower on the stick circle...

How about putting the other flower on there too for an extra pop of color (that's a technical term)...

That does look better but let me get this wayward stick out of the way...

Oh my Cod Mommy, what the heck did you put on it now?

This not only looks funny but it smells funny too...

Okay, so she can't tie a bow with burlap but the flowers look alright which is what the challenge was all about.  If she gets the bow right, we'll let her hang it outside near the front door so it can blow away in the wind welcomes people to our house.  What would she ever do without us?

Hope the flowers are blooming at your house today!
Angel and Isabella

Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Tortie Tuesday


The counters may be Tortie colored but they are really cold on my Tortie butt!

Hope you have a warm butt this Tortie Tuesday!

Saturday, May 25, 2013

Memorial Day Weekend

It's Memorial Day weekend and our thoughts are with the men and women who have fought and died for our country.  We are grateful for their service and our freedom.  Our thoughts are also with our friends and loved ones that we've lost like our sisfur Sadie...

She always had that big ole smile on her face and of course she had a cutie patootie too...

As you remember those who've affected your life this holiday weekend, don't forget to express your love and gratitude for those still with us.  Also remember to spread smiles today and always!

We hope you have a Happy Sadieday and a great weekend!
We'll be back on Tuesday!

Friday, May 24, 2013

Friday Features

Welcome to Friday Features!  I've been trying to find some creativity mojo lately but haven't been able to muster any up.  Before it went missing, I did make the kitty earrings featured today so I paired them with other items that will hopefully bring a smile to your face.  I'm hoping to find more inspiration soon but until then, I hope you enjoy my picks!

Click on links above photos for more information on item or shop featured.

Thursday, May 23, 2013

That's Entertainment?

It's been rainy and dreary here all week which means no sunpuddles and poor reception for the Birdie Network.  Isabella said she'd provide entertainment so I'm waiting for the show to start...

She's warming up by cleaning her paw.  This better be good...

Whaddya know, it was just an illusion since she made a green mousie appear all while laying down!  That takes great skill...

Now she turned herself into a camel!

Well, looks like the show is over since the Tortie has sat...

That was an exciting 30 seconds so now what do we do for the elebenty squillion seconds of the day.  Rain, rain please go away!

Hope you have a sunshiny day!

Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Tortie Tuesday

It may be Tortie Tuesday but our thoughts and purrayers are with those affected by the devastating tornadoes in Moore, OK and surrounding areas.  

We also send purrayers and strength to the first responders and those helping in the rescue effort.  Mother Nature may have shown her ugly side but there are many showing much caring and compassion and we are grateful for them.

If you are aware of any organizations helping people and/or animals in OK, please let us know in the comments for those who wish to send donations.

Stay safe and hug those you love this Tortie Tuesday,

Monday, May 20, 2013

Working Weekend

The plumber finally showed up on Friday so the litterbox remodel is thisclose to being done with just a couple minor things to finish yet.  Since the remodel is about over, Mommy made us work on other projects she has like picking paint for the now polka dotted guest bedroom...

I have no idea why it's so hard for her to pick out a color but you'd think with eight samples something would've been right...

She's trying to get something to go with the new bedspread but it's proving to be a very difficult task with the samples looking nothing like the paint cards...

The last samples are way too light and almost look white which won't work. Don't you agree Angel?

I think white is purrfect...

There'll be plenty of white fur on the bed so we don't want white on the walls!  Guess we'll have to pick sample number nine!

Hope your decisions today include which sunpuddle to nap in!

PeeS:  Happy Victoria Day to our Canadian friends!

Friday, May 17, 2013

Finally Friday!

We're so glad it's the weekend!  The plumber never showed up yesterday because he "forgot" he had said he was coming that day so we had to get up early again today for him to finally get our sink fountain working.  Mommy is not happy so I'm trying to remind her to relax and be grateful for things like cute kitties, pretty flowers and lots of birdies...

She's going to take some convincing since she's pretty grumpy so we're going to start the weekend today and will be back next Monday.  Hopefully the litterbox will be done by then!

We hope you have a great weekend and remember to spread smiles on Sadieday and every day!

Thursday, May 16, 2013

Purrfessional Inspector

We're in the 7th week of the litterbox remodel and it's STILL not done!  The vanity top was delayed by three weeks and it finally arrived Tuesday and some stranger is supposed to come today to get it all hooked up so I can drink in the sink again.  Before he gets here though I have to perform an inspection to make sure it meets my high standards...

It's a good thing I inspected it because I found a hole here...

There's a hole down here too...

This is a very serious issue!  When I stick my nose or paw down there it makes Mommy giggle uncontrollably...

There's another hole up here too!

It's a good thing I'm on the job because you wanna know what Isabella is doing while I'm hard at work?  Nope, not sleeping this time.  She's staring at her reflection in the new tub...

What?  Can I help it I'm so Tortielicious?

We're hoping everything will be done by tomorrow when the contractor has to come back and get rid of the too light of caulking around the top of the vanity that Mommy doesn't like (yep, she's one of those kind of clients).  I can't wait to get my sink fountain back!

Do you drink from the sink too?

Hope your day quiet and relaxing!

Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Tortie Tuesday

It's Tortie Tuesday!  I had a lot that I was going to say today but as I settled in to do this post, I sort of got distracted...

Oh well, if all else falls I'll just do what I do best...

Be cute!  What'd ya think I was gonna say?

Hope you're not at a loss for words today!  
Happy Tortie Tuesday!

Monday, May 13, 2013

Monday Mayhem...Sort Of

We're pretty much always happy and lovey dovey around here but we thought we'd show you what happens when someTortie turns crazypants.  She gets on a higher level and tries to be intimidating...

Then a stare down begins...

If I take my eye off her, she attempts to do smacky paw...

Of course that results in an attempted retaliation smacky paw...

Before any paws can be smacked, Mommy always breaks it up.  She's such a spoil sport!  She worries that somekitty will get hurt or someTortie will fall off the cat tree because she is missing the graceful kitty gene.  Whatever the reason, we very rarely do smacky paws where we actually smack anything.  At least not when Mommy's around!

We hope you have a happy non-smacky day!