The Blogging Business Artisans has monthly challenges and January's challenge by Storybeader is to attempt a new technique. Well, today I'm helping Mommy with something new - she's working with paint, paper and fabric which are three things she really needs help with! She wouldn't let me help with the painting and gluing the paper for some reason so you can see what's she done so far...
She needs me to be the model for a kitty she's going to cut out from the black, fuzzy fabric. She has a white pencil but it won't draw on the fabric so she'll have to cut it out free hand. I hope this turns out well...
I guess she used another model because that certainly doesn't look like me! It's missing something too...
That's better but the proportions are way off...
She wanted to put curtains on it but couldn't figure it out...
I couldn't help her because I was helping my sisfur look for birdies...
Wonder where she gets her inspiration!
Hope you try something new this Tortie Tuesday too!

Hope you try something new this Tortie Tuesday too!
With your help, something beautiful is bound to come out of it.
so cute! It looks just like you Isabella :)
What a fun project! And, uh, Isabella, it DOES look kinda like you!
No wonder your Mommy is able to churn out such beautiful work. She has the best inspirations!
I wonder if that kitty's tail swishes back and forth??!
When my kids were little and we'd go for some really, really slow walks around the 'hood, we would count all the kitties in windows that we would see. It was big fun. Sometimes we would count barking dogs too, but that wasn't nearly as hard or as fun.
that's so cute! And I like the curtains on it - that looks so like Isabella at the window! I would use some glue I have for fabric, called Aleene's Original Tacky Glue - but I know there's other material glues around... Great mixed media! {:-D
How clever - hang those curtains, Mom - it looked really nice like that! Cute tail:)
Woos - Phantom, Thunder, Ciara, and Lightning
Isabella, mommy did a good job on her own, but you were a very good model!
That is a really amazing freehand cut out kitty, Sharla!
What a cool project :)
I just got back from vacation and am catching up on my blog reading -- I missed you girls! Mommy did a great job on this, I love the stripes!
Hmmmm ... could it be from yoo! xx
LOL, Isabella! I think your were a great inspiration and model for your mommy's project! The black fabric kitty is so cute!
(I had issues with a white pencil as well. It marked somewhat but not very well. I'll try white chalk next time--IF there IS a next time!)
Awh, it's coming along nicely!
Ha woooo! That's REALLY cool! Your mommy is very talented! I like the kitty a lot. I mean ... for a kitty. You know.
What's on birdie TV?
Oh my cute! Tell your mommy she did an awesome job! And you're such a great model Bella :)
I hope she can figure out the curtains...they are sure cute!
So cute! You did a great job cutting out the cat freehand.
Oops. My son wants to look at the photos..
Artful Rising
my son wants to hug the girls and give them scratches. He wants to know where they are:)
He also thinks Angel looks like Cali (she does).
Oh my gosh Sharla, that is SO cute! Love the lace curtains too... it's perfect! :D
Your mommy is so talented. The publicist says if she tried that she would have ended up cutting off some cat's tail.
Your new project is beautiful! Good luck with the curtains. I'm so glad that we've both been having fun playing with paper lately. And as always, it's great that you have such good helpers.
I can see just where mum got her inspiration from mol.. I think its looking good.. Hugs GJ xx
Your Mom is lucky to have you to snoopervise her work!
The Florida Furkids
Your mom is so talented. It must be wonderful to have such inspirational kitties around
Mommy is very talented and this whole post gave me a giggle...
I love it! Those curtains were looking pretty nice...did Mommy put those on?
No, we just don't know where your Mom gets her ideas!
Oh we think your mom did good! But she had some great models, we see!!
That artwork is sooo cute! Love!
That is so cute! Your Mom is VERY talented! Love, Moon
i think it's a purrr-fect likeness!!!
So fun Sharla!!! hope your day was happy!!! :D
What a cute kitty silhouette! I love the mix of patterns and textures.
I liked it with the curtains, but simple is more, sometimes! Creative! See any birdies?
That turned out really good with your help of course everything is turning out well :)
I thought you did a pretty good job cutting freehand with that fuzzy fabric!
Yup...that pose looks familiar! :)
xo Catherine
We noses where she gets her bestest helps! Furry nice helps you give her and it looks really cute, too!
Pal and Forrest
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