Yay, it's Sadieday! Our weather started out great this week with snow and then the rain came and turned it into slush. This is perfect walking weather so before he left, I got my Grandpa from Kansas to take me on a stroll. So grab your boots and raincoat (no umbrellas since they're for tourists) and come along with us...
This weather is fabulous!
Snow, slush AND water puddles? Whoa doggy!
A field full of snow too? What can be better?
Snowballs! That's the icing on my snow cake!
I wonder if Grandpa had as much fun as I did?
Since he doesn't have my warm fur, I better get him home to thaw out his paws...
I hope you had fun coming along on our snowy stroll today too!
Our snow is all gone because we're getting lots and lots of rain and many parts of our area are flooding but we're up high so are safe from high water. The humane society is taking in animals displaced from the floods and several places are boarding horses who had to leave flooded fields. We're crossing paws for efurrybody affected by these horrible winter storms.
We're also crossing paws for our friend Abby and her dad Gerard to get better after a horrible attack on them by two dogs. We're praying they both get well very soon!
I hope everyone has a Happy Sadieday!

We're also crossing paws for our friend Abby and her dad Gerard to get better after a horrible attack on them by two dogs. We're praying they both get well very soon!
I hope everyone has a Happy Sadieday!
Looks like you had a very fun walk with your Grandpa!! We are glad that you are safe and up high!! We will go over and visit your friend Abby...we didn't know about the attack!! Have a Happy Sadieday!! xoxo Chloe and LadyBug
Sadie, that looks WAY too messy for me, being the neat indoor kitty that I am! I had no idea what happened to Gerard and Abby - I just went over to their blog to send them lots of healing purrs.
Oh my goodness...we just went over to read about Abby and her dad...what an awful thing. We are adding them to our prayers and sending hugs to them all.
xoxo Chloe and LadyBug
We're not sure we like the slushy snow any better than the "fresh" one, Sadie. But we're happy if you're happy :)
What happened to Abby is terrible :( Sending lots of purrayers
Duni &
Sammy =^.^=
You sure had fun playing in the snow covered field AND snowballs!
We'll go find out what happened to Abby...
Thank´s for the walk in the slush :)
Here it is snowing right now = WIIII HAAAA !!!
I know I´m one crazy cat but I LOVE snow :)
What fun!!!
I bet your grandpa is still telling evFURRYone bakhk in Kansas all the great times he has with WOO!
I khame down to some WHITE FLUFFY STUFF too - but it is getting a bit khrispied with some freezing rain stuffs now -
Of khourse, Sadieday means Mom's last work day SO I'll just khurl in MY chair and wait fur her!
PeeEssWoo: Paws khrossed fur your furiends - that was sooo horrible
Oh Sadie, you were a wild woman on that walk. That snow gets you going for sure. That was such a fun stroll. We are sending purrs to all those people affected by the storms too. We always worry about horses in floods. We will go visit Abby. Take care and have a great week end.
I sure hope the floods don't get any worse Sadie!
Looks like you and Grandpa had a perfect walk.
Wishing you a warm and cozy weekend!
xo Catherine
Oh GIRLS! YOu have Grandpa to spoil you again. Sadie...I love you already. Tell the girls I said hello and give them my kissies to you and them.
looks like Granpda & Sadie were two peas in a pod on that walk!!! sorry to hear the weather is turning so bad there prayers for those in the lower plains...and how sad about your friend Gerard and his pet Abby...BIG prayer for them too!!!
Too cold and messy for me but for someone like you...well, I can see you had a great time!
I just went over and read that story. I will definitely keep them in my prayers. Fortunately I've seen lots of full recoveries from attacks like this. Lets hope this is one of them!
What a great walk, Sadie! We should get your snow together with our super-cold temps - wouldn't that be a blast!?!?
Sorry about the rain, but glad to hear you are high up! Stay safe!
Play bows,
Oh Sadie, I love seeing you have so much fun!
gosh! Didn't know the weather was so bad! Good for the human society. And Sadie - you look great amid the snow! I'm sure grandpa had fun too! {:-D
Wow, that looked like you had a lot of fun there, Sadie. Did you get to roll around in the snow, too? I noticed that the horses in the pasture across from us were doing that.
It was the same for us, after it snowed, it turned to rain and made everything slushy. Although, they say we might get more snow starting tomorrow.
Hope you all have a great Sadieday!
It is raining here too. I am very sorry that there are peoples and animals around you that are having troubles. It is scary to have floods. We will keep our hooves crossed.
Oh Sadie, I can just see the joy on your face :) How nice of your grandpa to take you on a stroll before he left :)
Glad you're safe from the flodding! And I hope your furiend and her daddy get better!
I'm so glad that you got to go out on a stroll with Grandpa before he left, and in the snow no less!
I'm glad that you're not affected by the flooding. Our thoughts and prayers go out to those in your area who are.
Sadie, you are SO intrepid! A regular all-weather woofie!
We are getting your stinky old weather here today, it's incredibly w-i-n-d-y and drizzling. Mommy is hissed off. She is a sunshine girl.
What a great Sadieday stroll with Grandpa! I am not sure who had more fun - I think it is a toss up.
Thanks Sadie for the stroll down Saturmemory Lane.
Wonderful. Can't think of a better way to spend a Sadieday! blessings, Catherine ...p.s. it is the same weather here in NY!
Sadie, it looks like you're having an absolute blast!! I bet your Grandpa did as well1
glad you are safe where you live.
Sadie, we're not fans of the snow. It's too cold on our paws. So we'll leave it for you!!
I'm glad you enjoyed the snow slush and puddles Sadie. You sure looked like you were having fun. Hope your grandpa's paws thawed out :)
Thanks for sharing your snowy walk with us - too bad about the rain ruining it. We have been hearing about all the flooding and were hoping you were all OK.
We just visited Abby - what a horrible experience for her and her Dad - we hope they both will be well soon.
Woos - Phantom, Thunder, Ciara, and Lightning
So many bad things happening! Those poor misplaced animals - we will pray for them and for your friends who were attacked. Love, Moon
Missy's busy praying for Gerard and Abby and all the floodin while weez checkin' outs your strollin' Nice snows - not sure why the hooman beans don't sometimes likes the stuff... we duz! Furry good strollin', Sadie!
Lova and Cookie
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