Hey Mommy! Did you put my box in the dryer! It shrunk.
Is an aerial view really necessary?
Why are you giggling Mommy? I don't find it one bit amusing.
Hope you fit in your box this Tortie Tuesday!

Hope you fit in your box this Tortie Tuesday!
I think your human switched out your box with a smaller one to trick you!
LOL. The box definitely shrunk!!
Isabella, you fit just fine in that box. Or at least part of you fit in there. That was norty of Mom to shrink the box. Hope all of you have a super day.
I think it's time you find a bigger box--I had to giggle at this too along with your mommy!
Don't you just hate it when your favourite things shrink in the dryer!!! You still look good sweet Isabella!
xo Catherine
Woof! Woof! Oh oh ... or did you get bigger. Lots of Golden Woofs, Sugar
Hmmm, sounds like you have a mystery on your paws. Are you sure someone isn't playing an early April Fool's Day joke on you?
Woos - Phantom, Thunder, Ciara, and Lightning
It was very naughty of your mom to shrink that box and play that trick on you, Isabella! She'd just better get you the right sized box!
Time for Mommy to do some shopping so you can have a new box :)
Oh dear. That was not nice of your mommy!
Hahah...someone is blissfully unaware of her size;)
I think someone has been getting into the treat drawer a few too many times:)
You're just thinking outside the box! Isn't that right, Isabella?!! Exactly!
Play bows,
PS: Please tell your mom yes! That small wall hanging she saw in Dave's post yesterday is one Mom did almost 10 years ago - it indeed is us boys and Stormy and Ammy! :) She needs to stick a picture of it up on her bag blog! Thanks for asking!!!
Well, you know, Isabella, you're just thinking outside the box!! Bet you color outside the lines too...
Isabella! I think the smash to box ratio is just right! Your Mom is clearly Rude to giggle at you...
xx Tiny Johnson
Great photos...!
sorry Isabella...i'm giggling too!!! actually it's more like laughing at your tortie cuteness....but in a good way!
Hope you're having a happy day Sharla!
You are just so so adorable, Isabella.
We have a couple of days old kitten with us that Mommy's fostering (abandoned by it's cat mom) and Mommy thought of you as soon as she saw the kitten...we'll be updating our blog soon!
I'm giggling too Isabella! I think something shrunk. I hate when that happens! Love, Moon
It's tough when mommies are so judgmental. Any box is the perfect size for you, Isabella!
Maybe you might want to think outside the box Isabella....lol
Wow. I've got a cat that looks a lot like that one. I hope yours is nicer than mine, is, however. She's got a small chunk of ear missing from fighting with other cats and still limps from an injury she sustained in an ill-advised fight with a German shepherd (we took her to the vet to fix her severely wounded paw and it didn't heal right). Yes, we've got an old, angry cat that I suspect is mentally ill. She tries to bite me at least once a week and I am one of two living things on the planet she actually likes (my wife is the other one who has found favor in the eyes of our weird cat).
Your cat appears friendlier. Count those lucky stars!
Visit the Hawg
Such a wonderful photo of you! you are really cute, nice tail.
Dog Fence | Pet Solutions
Isabella, that's a very nice box you have there. Humans just don't understand.
I have the same problem with my jeans lately. My eyes think I can still fit in them. My butt says otherwise.
Your box looks rather cozy, Isabella! I bet your mommy would be happy to find you a bigger box if you so desire.
Um...maybe the holiday feasting was a little too good?
Hilarious! What is it with cats and boxes?
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