My sisfur Isabella wants to thank efurryone for the birthday wishes yesterday! She had a very good day and even shared her treats and stinky goodness with me! Don't worry, Sadie got treats too! This was all Good!
Also yesterday our Grandpa from Kansas came tospoil visit us! This was Good too! But, for the Not So Good, the big red boxes have appeared again! Mommy and Daddy think they are going on a little getaway but I'm not going to move...
Well, that didn't work so maybe I can figure out a way to get inside and go with them...
At least Grandpa is here to take care of us while they go away (another Good!) but we may not be able to comment on your blogs since we'll be laptopless (another Not So Good).
We think big red boxes should be banned!
Hope you have a big red box-less day!
Also yesterday our Grandpa from Kansas came to

We think big red boxes should be banned!
Hope you have a big red box-less day!
get grampy to helps... i am sure he'll help you girls to blogs :)
grandpa's are the best... do u know they have a lot of noms in their pockets...
See if you can get extra treats from your grandpa because you are being so badly inconvenienced!
We are very lucky! Our humans never desert us!
Abby, Spunky, Manny
But perhaps mom and dad will bring you home something nice from their trip??? I am thinking getting spoiled by Grandpa is going to be fun.
Wishing the mom and dad a good time on their trip!
xo Catherine
Angel , Stay There !!! Don't move !!!
Pawrents away is No Fun !!!!
Yeah, but just think of all that time Mommeh will be spending with you when she gets home! And you've got Grandpa to hang with??! That's cool. Grandpa's are softies and easy with the treats. Milk it, pallies!!
And just think--Grandpa doesn't know the house rules--you can go sit in all those places you aren't normally allowed to sit!
Uh oh! Not the red boxes!!
You're lucky though, that Grandpa is there to spoil you ;-)
Big red boxes - not good. The ones here are black. We haven't seen them out for a while, but we won't be surprised to see them soon too.
Hope Mom and Dad have a great getaway and hope you get lots of extra treats. Grandpa missed our bitter cold weather and the huge snowstorm with all of less than a half inch of snow.
Woos - Phantom, Thunder, Ciara, and Lightning
We're glad Isabella had a great birthday. :-)
Grandparents usually can be coerced into spoiling you--we hope your Grandpa gives you lots of extra treats while your beans are away!
I agree with you - ban those red boxes! Tho Mommy and Daddy might well need that get-away...not from you guys of course, just sometimes the human world can get a little stressy
Sweet Angel, don't you worry, because mommy and daddy will be back with plenty of love and treats. besides, Grandpa will spoil you all. You'll love it. Like a vacation for all of you.
xoxoxo Mom Carole
There is a way to make the red bags unusable but it's not something a dignified ladycat like you will do, Angel. :)
We're sure Grandpa will spoil all of you!
Woo! I'm sorry your mommy and dad are going away! That's not fair! Did you try pouting and acting really REALLY sad? Wooooo!!!!
I'm very glad your Grandpa will be taking care of you, though.
Safe travels to your parents!
Hmn....glad the babies are being left behind with Grandpa this time! That'll make you feel better Sharla. You'll be OK Angel!!
You'll have fun with your Grandpa and Mom and Dad will be back before you even know it!
It will be nice to be spoiled by Grandpa! I know you will miss your mom and dad but they will be home before you know it!
Tell your mommy that I love that her suitcases have Mickey on them :)
And tell her I got a Good laugh out of being (lap) topless...LOL!!!
I am sure you will have lots of fun with Grandpa! I can't wait to hear about Mommy and Daddy's trip.
Sorry I missed your birthday and Happy Belated Birthday.. I should stay sat there if I was you but if they go then I hope they ahve a realy great time.. Hugs GJ xx
Here it´s the green box you shall be beware off.
Wish your mom and dad a nice trip !
Don't worry Isabella, it's actually quite good luck for you. You get to be spoiled by your grandpa and you'll get gifts when your mom and dad get back. They have to bring you gifts, it's in the book of rules for mommies
Yes, get grandpa to fork out lots of treats and of course extra lap time. Wish your parentals a good trip from us and see you all again soon.
maybeeeee, wooos could hide some nomnoms for when Mommy and Daddy get back... Hope they has lots of funs!
Glad Grandpa is there to give you scritches!
Pal and Forrest
Lova and Cookie
and the visitors... Gotcha and Glory
Oh no Angel. Nice try to go with them. You will have a good time with Grandma. Your Mom probably needs a getaway before the darn taxes start. WE will miss you but be glad when they get back. Hope they have a wonderful trip. Take care.
Hope your Mom and Dad are having a fun trip! And you're getting lots of treats from your Grandpa! Tell them not to worry about visiting us! Love, Moon xoxo
Aw, were sorry your mom and dad are going away, Angel. But we bet your Grandpa will spoil you lots!!
Well, it looks like you get to be spoiled by your Grandpa :)
I hope that your mom and dad have a very fun time on a well-deserved trip.
Too bad about the red boxes, but it's great that your grandpa is there to take care of you! Does he follow the grandparent rule of Extreme Spoiling of Grandchildren?
Hopefully mum and dad will bring you back something nice from their trip?! Still, it's nice to stay at home isn't it?! xo
sorry Angel....i'm all for mommy & dad getting their getaway time!!! your mommy has to refresh herself before tax season hits full force!!!
Hope you're having a blast Sharla! :D
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