We're very happy that Mommy and Daddy came home yesterday although we have Grandpa wrapped around our paws and got LOTS of treats! We discovered that on their trip, Mommy cheated on us with other dogs...
You'd think she could resist a handsome boy in uniform...
And a shaggy but dapper dude in shoes...
What in the world are we going to do with her...
Yeah, no. That's obviously not going to work. At least she came home to us!
She also came home to SNOW!
Okay, maybe she wasn't as excited to see the snow as I am but my woofie friends will understand!
We hope you have a great day!

She also came home to SNOW!

We hope you have a great day!
Aww Sadie...we feel for you!!! Seriously...that dude with the shoes! Holy Cow! There's no way we'd let the mama put those on us!! Have a great Monday!
Chloe and LadyBug
It looks like your human had fun - but no fair that she was cheating on you!
What a fun place! And quite an interesting assortment of doggies - the one with the shoes on especially ;-)
We're expecting the snow to arrive here any day now...
What great pictures. Look at Mom in jail. It is all right Sadie if Mom speaks to another doggie as long as she doesn't bring them home. It looks like she and Dad had a really good time. But we know that they missed all of you. Have a great week.
You are right, Sadie, Abby loves the snow too! Walked for an hour and a half in it yesterday.
So glad mom and dad made it home safe and sound. Looks like they had fun ~ even if they did come home to snow. :(
xo Catherine
We're glad your beans are back! Your mom sure looks like she had a great time.
Take heart--at least she didn't bring any of those dogs home! :-)
Oh Sadie! We're sure you're the #1 dog with your mom!
Glad your mommy is home safe! What is going on with that white dog?
Bad mommy!: ) But I bet she wasn't cheating on you -- she'd never give you up for a doggie in red shoes!
Your mommy wasn't cheating, she was just bringing home new smells for you :)
Love the doggie booties!
Mommy and Daddy needed a vacation fer sure and it looks like they had fun!
Sharla looks like you had a blast!!! and Sadie hubby says "you got nothin' to worry about...those Cali dogs don't gold a candle!!!"
WELCOME HOME ♥ Sharla! stay cozy & warm!
Mom just missed all of you so much she had to get some furry fixes while she was away -looks like she went somewhere very fun:)
Sadie, enjoy that snow, we still have none.
Woos - Phantom, Thunder, Ciara, and Lightning
That dog with the shoes really made us laugh! We would just LOVE to have some snow here..
Wow...that is a lot of great dogs! And the one with the crazy shoes? Too much!! Glad you had fun!
Your beans seams to have a great time on their holiday !
My mom is sheating on me to when she is away on holiday , I guess most beans are :)
I feel sorry for that poor doggie in boots !
I konow I´m a cat Sadie but I do understand why you got excited about the snow , me to LOVE snow !
Sadie, we think your Mom might deserve the tail of disrespect, just a little. Really! You are way cuter than any of those other pooches.
But....she needs a little petting while she is away from you! I know that I need a kitty "fix" when I'm on vacation and away from my kitties. But it is never like my own...I miss them very much. I'm sure Mommeh is the same way.
(What did she bring you????)
The dog shoes are too funny! Even if Mom did visit some other dogs on her trip, she still loves you more than any of them!
Don't worry Sadie, your mom knows that no other dog can compare to you. Besides she spent some time in the dog pound while she was there so that should make up for it :)
Oh dear...Mommy cheating! She loks like she had a lot of fun tho. Sorry to hear that the white stuff has made an appearance in your neck of the woods. However it looks like just a dusting...not like the 8 inches we got at our house!
I wonder about that doggie in shoes... He looks ok with them, except being hot. Was that Pluto? Hanging with the stars, eh? {:-D
Wow looks like she had a great time!!! But YAY she's back! :o)
Your Mom made some interesting friends while she was away!!! We're glad she got out of the dog pound and came home to YOU!
The Florida Furkids
Shoes on a dog? How dangerous! But we like the way your mum is shamelessly flirting with other dogs while she's on holiday.
Thanks for your purrs. Target is looking a bit better.
Your Mommy had to cheat she missed you so much! That dog with shoes is funny! Love, Moon
PeeEssWoo: I hope she at least brought woo something furry special! And YES, Mom is still all woozy eyed about Lucille!
Aww, so your dog puts you on a guilt trip too?
I like that last picture- you look so excited, Sadie!
Wonderful "doggie" pictures! Sadie, did you act jealous when you saw them?
Snow! Snow!!! SNOW!!! Wooooooo!
Having said that, I'm sorry to see that your mom cheated on you with other puppies. Maybe it's just a sign of how much she missed you, though!
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