We received a delivery from our furiends from Malaysia, Whisppy, and right away we knew it must have been good stuff because the U.S. Customs people had already checked it out...
Then we noticed they "destroyed prohibited material"! This is code for there's a party on the border with OUR stuffs!
They took "Fresh Unknown Leaves" aka fresh Silvervine and also some treats that Whisky sent for Sadie. Can you believe that? Thankfully they did leave behind the Silvervine powder...
I could smell that stuff through the little package!
Mommy didn't know how I'd react so she put a teeny bit on a big heart toy to see what I'd do...
It may have been a teeny bit but it sure packed a wallop!
I became an instant wiggly worm!
Isabella turned WILD!
We loved the Silvervine - it's like mega nip! We want to thank Whisky, Cosmo, Ling, Meow-Me, Coco, Felix and Boomer! If you haven't visited them, be sure to stop by and see a tiny Tortie they are fostering!
Hope you enjoy your day!

Hope you enjoy your day!
Wow! Look at you girls go!
We STILL can't believe they took Sadie's treats. We bet the customs dogs ate them! Grrrr.
Whoa, wallop sounds like an understatement! Maybe I should get my paws on some silvervine for my Valentine's Day party!
Oh wow! That really must be amazing stuff!
Sorry the customs people had to spoil the fun for Sadie :(
That Silvervine looks good. We got a pillow from Malaysia too and the cats loved it. We just love Whisppy's blog. We always feed the fish down at the bottom. Glad you girls had such a good time. No fair Sadie that they took your treats.
Hope all of you have a great week.
Awesome package ~ why don't the customs men mind their own business! MOL!
Well how rude to take out some of your 'good stuff'. They probably took it home to their own kitties. Naughty customs people. :(
But it looks like you kitties enjoyed what was left!!
xo Catherine
That is so sad about Sadie's treats. Glad the kitties got their crazy-making stuff:)
Looks like it's great stuff. If we were cats, we would want some!
Mocha Barney, Ashley Pumpernickel and Winniechurchill
LOL...Smuggling kitty drugs into the US :) Those customs guys are funny sometimes!
Glad you girls got your special powder and had fun :)
I'll bet they have sniffer cats working in customs and they took your stuff!!!
Play bows,
HOW RUDE! Those were Sadie's treats. Stupid customs people. I'm glad you kitties enjoyed your special powder.
Do you wan´t to know somethiing ??
The removed and destroyed material arn´t destroyed at all , it´s the customdogs that have taken it !!
The same thing happened when I sent treats to Mr Puddy , his mom got a note that said that we where caught as foodsmugglers and that the treats where destroyed :(
Great that they atleast let you keep the Silver vine powder :)
feline version of "girls gone wild" but in a much more respectful, fun and ungross way than the people way!
Hope you having a happy Monday ♥ Sharla!!!
Wow, that silvervine must be like gold - it sure does pack a punch! You kitties get all the good stuff between nip and silvervine powder. Someone needs to create something similar for us pups.
Woos - Phantom, Thunder, Ciara, and Lightning
Oh poor Sadie ! You may have to share the Kitty vine power with kitties ! Look Pawsome to me....tee..heh..heh
Too bad that the inspectors took some of the treats away, but it looks like you still had a blast with what was left! How nice of your friends to send that.
We wants some silverine, toooo! merhow! O & E
PSSS: stealing treats is unfair!
What a great gift! What did they remove from the package?
I saw that baby Tortie. And Merlene is so cute I can't hardly take it! I have some silvervine and I'm waiting for Katie to be steady here before I give it to her. Bommie sent it to Admiral but Admieral flew away the day before it got here. I asked Boomie if it was OK for me to have it and he said yes. xoxoxox
How cool to get international goodies!
Stop on by for a visit
MOLMOLMOL! We ordered some (silverine) from an online shop. It came right away & when it was put out all we did was slobber. EVERY ONE OF US had a giant slobber streak all down one side. The rest of the wee baggies have been hidden away for future use. (possibly) We aren't quite sure. Issy looks like she's just all over that stuff. Did you guys get all slobber too?
Ms. Stella O'Houligan
They probably took those treats home for their own dog! Meanies! I'm glad you got the silver vine - whatever that is! Sure looks fun. Love, Moon
Oh dear...too bad those big bad customs people took away your magic herb! I don't know anything about Silvervine...but it sure sounds like fun!
Too bad the customs people took your stuff, but wow, that Silvervine looks awesome!
Oh man, we can't believe the customs peoples took your vine. But that powder must be something! We ordered a couple of vine pillows. We sure hope we get them!!
Glad woos gots some treats! Theys must have been hungrys to take Sadie's goodies. boo!
Pal and Forrest
nothing like somebody going through your mail! Glad they left something {:-D
That sound like some good stuff! I know Koko and Yum Yum would love to get their paws on some :)
This reminds me of the time my mom sent us some rosemary from their plant in California (it is a HUGE shrub that is in front of their house. It's so big, I used to make a fort in it). Anyway, the post office tore the package open and sloppily taped it back closed. All they put on the front was an inspection label. We were lucky to get all our rosemary.
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