We figured out a way to drive Mommy crazy while she's working. We're going to stage a Stare Down...
Are you going crazy yet Mommy?
This may be a longer trip than we thought...
What drives your beans crazy?
Hope you get to play today!
Sadie, Isabella and Angel

Hope you get to play today!
Sadie, Isabella and Angel
It takes more than staring to drive my human nuts - usually, I just jump right on her desk and sit on her computer mouse!
i do a stare down too when my cow is working... usually.. she breaks down and come down to my level and play with me. Sometimes i get a treat.. and sometimes i get a good run in the garden. My stare downs really works. Hang in there and work them stare girls... i think your momma is breaking down soon.
woofs n licks,
We are happy to say nothing makes our beans crazy because they are as funny and crazy as we are!
The only thing that drives mom cray is computer related issues (like Blogger or WordPress not working) ~ then she sometimes says :norty words:
Tee hee!
The stare down works over here too. We do not blink even.... HH laughs to try to distract us, but we don't blink ever.
pawhugs, Max, Bugsy and Knuckles.
The stare down def works over here. hehe.
Means extra cuddles for me!
Sammy =^.^=
Oooh, that would creep me out! Are you all hungry? Bored? Waiting for a treat? Hobbes only gives me the stare-down when he wants me to let him outside--it drives me NUTS!
What drives our mom crazy is us demanding food every 1.5 hours when she's home. Maybe if we both stared at her at the same time she'd get freaked out, though. :-P
Oh, and wanting out and in (into our back space) every 5 freaking seconds also drives her crazy. Can you tell?
absolutely Purrr-fect!
Happy Monday Sharla! hope you're doing ok today!
Mom goes crazy when we start looking at spots on the wall and meowing and running around like somebuddy's chasing us.
The Florida Furkids
Bwah! Funny. :) My Ollie does the stare-down... trick is to not look back...
Sadie almost always looks like she would rather not have the shiny box in her direction; the other girls just go with it, don't they?:)
It’s a Wrap Link Party at Artful Rising
Woof! Woof! Happy New Year! We are back from our longggg Holiday break.
Is it that time of the year when you mom gets super busy and you driving her crazy? Lots of Golden Woofs, Sugar
Visit my new (WP) blog: www.sugarthegoldenretriever.com
Isabella looks so tiny next to Sadie!!!
Oh, that stare down would work like lickety-split on our mom!!! I think you girls are doing a really good job!
The Farm cats will jump in the publicist's lap or even on her head. She is not fond of this.
Well, if the stare down doesn't work, I recommend the cats getting on her desk. Knocking off pens to the floor, biting at paper, and sitting right in front of her should do the job!
I don't think you'll drive her crazy...I think you'll just make her want to pet you all even more :)
My three do the same thing
Stop on by for a visit
Our peeps are ALREADY crazy. The best we can hope for is creeping them out!
Staring doesn't always work so we jump onto our Mommy's desk and stand right in front of her laptop and move back and forth, just enough to obscure her view of the screen. That really drives her crazy!
That's a pretty serious stare down! Angel's favorite way to drive me crazy at the computer is to sit right behind the desk chair wheels.
Yep, it's the stare down! Koko has it down to a science: it seems strange, but his eyes get that Star Trek "soft-focus" thing going. :)
MOL, now that is good staring. We don't do that, we just walk across her lap or rub on her legs or meow for something to eat. We spend the day driving Mom nuts. We will have to try that staring deal. Bet your Mom gave in to all of you. Love the pictures. Take care.
What drives me crazy, in when my cat yowls...no he does not "meow" like a normal cat, he yowls....loudly! People who are visiting us for the first time, are often totally freaked out by the sound he makes....thinking we have some kind of wild animal locked up in the house somewhere!
We hope it works, girls. Our Mom hates it when we lick her hand when she has it on the mouse or when we push her laptop out of the way when it is on her lap and we want some scritichies.
Have a good week and tell Mom not to work too hard.
Woos - Phantom, Thunder, Ciara, and Lightning
With those cute faces, we can't believe she didn't stop what she was doing immediately and pet you!
I like to drive my mom nuts with the guess what this bark means game. First I pretend it means I want out and when she gets to the door and opens it I run the other way. It's fun, you should try it
Wees likes to has stare-y days, too. We gets lotses and lotses of attentions when we doos that!
Pal and Forrest
Lova and Cookie
Hershey and Billie Jane
and all the chickens
I use the stare down when I want food. It usually works! Hope you didn't drive your Mom too crazy. Love, Moon
Heehee, what big eyes you all have!
Melly's chosen method of driving me bonkers is to squeak at me until I figure out what she wants. She's very insistent, and refuses to help me figure out the problem: she just sits there and squeaks.
I've never seen a dog stare like Buster does. Especially when there's food involved! {:-D
I think maybe they're hoping for some treats, or perhaps they just want to play.
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Will know me!!!
I am your wait
A year of 2012 with everything that you want
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