I can't believe what I'm seeing...

Is some kitty seriously intruding on my property?

Yep, it's the neighbor cat Dooney ignoring me while resting his butt on MY property!

And if that wasn't bad enough, do you see what's on MY property now?

It's Dooney's brofur Bourke! Look at him not even paying attention to me either...

He's eyeing my little sisfurs!

Unbelievable. Some girls may welcome Dooney & Bourke around here, but I'm not one them!
Hope you don't have any unwelcome introoders today!
Lol, loved this! Such cute critters!
ahhh... so that was what Angel was eyeing on Wednesday... so handsome lads i see :)
Sadie, it looks like your sisfurs REALLY like the company :)
Fantastic! The audacity of those neighbours :-)
Ha ha ha!! Oh Sadie, your sisters do not seem to mind one bit!!
Honestly the cheek of it!!! But maybe they just popped over to say hello?
I think your sisters are checking both those boys out, one of them has the floofiest tail.
Your yard looks so inviting and interesting, no wonder those cats like coming on your property! You really should feel honored they chose your yard to rest in.
Dooney and Bourke are pretty handsome cats, especially Dooney with that great tail. Did you bark at them to tell them to "scat"?
Sadie I bet mom had to make sure you didn't get out. I am sure you would have showed them whose property they were on.
With beautiful Angel and Isabella peering out the window, no wonder the intruder cats are there! I know I would be right outside their window!
Are you sure that isn't Hobbes coming for a visit??? It sure looks like him!
Those kitties are naughty for teasing you all like that. I would chase them, Sadie.
Haha ~ poor Sadie! But those other kitties are so cute too! It's always a good thing to be friends with your neighbours, you never know when you may need a favour from them! :)
Hopefully they won't stay too long though ~ one doesn't like company that overstays their welcome either! Ha!
Have a good Thursday Sadie!
xo Catherine
You make it seem so funny. Hubby and I are trying to think about what to do with the neighbor's kitties. They seem skinny--or do we just feed the neighborhood cat too much? We know we do not want to start feeding them--this neighborhood is filled with a seemingly large amount of "unhomed" cats and it would cost dearly to feed them all. Rotten humans.
I think Dooney & Bourke are looking for girlfriends! LOL!
Love the black with the huge tail. They're just being neighborly:)
I bark so loud at our deer and turkey introoders, oh, and the meter man. I make them all go away. Maggie the Vizsla
Did you bark or were you polite and just watched them quietly. My chihuahuas would be barking theirselves crazy.
Those pesky neighbors
Sadie we have to admit those neighbor cats are very cute! Could they be introoding because they have crushes on your sisters? Or maybe even on you - you are a cute doggie after all!
You're kidding. Someone named their cats Dooney & Burke?
Sadie, you have quite handsome neighbor Cats, but we feel you are quite right to keep an eye on them. It is YOUR property, and your sisfurs, after all.
They would look purry nice tukhked in a D&B bag!
Great job Sadie!
Hi Sadie, you do have introoders but they are kind of handsome but that is pretty nervy to plant their butts on your property. Maybe you need to go give them a woof and just warn them a little bit. Your sisfurs might want to meet them though.
Good job Sadie watching out for everything.
What can I say, Sadie? Those ARE two very handsome mancats!
Hmmm, Mom says that's not what she thinks of when she hears Dooney and Bourke - but they are sort of cute - some romance on the horizon???
Woos - Phantom, Thunder, and Ciara
My neighbors cat still comes over once in a while and peeks in my back door. I think she is under the impression that a cat still lives here :)
The CHEEK of those guys! Although Isabella and Angel don't seem too upset.......
We get them all the time. It's SHOCKING. Woof at them, Sadie!
If I was your neighbor I would be outside too hoping to see your sisfurs! Or you Sadie! Love Moon
Lovely blog!! Love your post :)
Sadie, I do believe they were taunting you. They were waving their tails in your general direction. I think that you may need to once again instruct them on proper "Sadie" etiquette, which basically entails (tails, get it?) staying on their own side of the fence :)
Sadie, please come over here and speak to that black kitty that dares t stand on MY porch in the morning.
Oh, wow! Did they sing to your sisters and all? Maybe they were planning to take them out for tuna or something!
Play bows,
You have quite the security team at your place...but not too scary, obviously, hahameow
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