Thursday, July 8, 2010

For Kitties Eyes Only...

Hey Isabella, I have a secret for you and you only...
I have kitty super powers and since you're my only kitty sisfur, I'll pass some on to you. Just make sure Sadie doesn't see the super power glow.
Uh oh, I'm feeling a strong desire to say Meow!
Angel, what kind of kitty voo doo did you do to me?


Milo and Alfie Marshall said...

We larfed and larfed at Sadie's desire to say meow! And then we noticed in the sidebar that Sadie is in the "Good Kitty Club" so we're guessing her transformation is complete!!!! MOL!

Ellen Whyte said...

Haha! Love this.

dArtagnan Rumblepurr/Diego Hamlet Moonfur said...

Awww, see? We knew Sadie is part pussycat!!

Ann said...

Those must be some powerful kitty powers. So did Sadie meow or did she resist the temptation?

Duni said...

Angel, you have extremely strong kitty they work on humans too? Now that would be too funny.



p.s. my Mommy knows your Mommy 'likes' her FB page and she's sorry there doesn't seem to be another solution :(

The Monkeys said...

It was just a matter of time, Sadie! You're out-numbered!

Angel Simba said...

EVERYbody is lasering today! Are the humans going to become hypnotized?

Russ said...

I hope the Kitty Woo Doo doesn't get out of control.You know what happens when the Woo Doo is used by amateurs. Look Out.
Anyway you ladies are looking mighty fine.

NAK and The Residents of The Khottage Now With KhattleDog! said...

Oh too funny!

PeeEssWoo: Hi Sadie! Are woo purrrrring yet?

Catherine said...

Those are some glowy glowy eyes! It must run in the family! :)

xo Catherine

Memories for Life said...

Look what those sisfurs did to you Sadie!

Mishkat said...

We love all the laser eyes today - and we always suspected that Angel had super powers!

Anonymous said...

You never really know what kitties are up to...

the magic sleigh said...

Woos! I was not sure about viewing this, but poor Sadie, we must help her immediately, we must overcome the kittyness!
~husky kisses~
-Kira The BeaWootiful

Roses and Lilacs said...

I remember seeing a movie where the kids had those glowing eyes. As I remember, they were very bad kids:)

booahboo said...

hehehhehe..glowy eyes again.. you sure am an awesome kitty Angel :) neat trick.. now now.. don't go glowing on Sadie.. she's innocent.

Marg said...

Oh noooos Sadie, don't let those kitties turn you into a cat. We like you just the way you are right now. Nice try Angel and Isabella.
Have a great day.

Erika said...

Why are theirs yellow but people have red eye?

brokenteepee said...

Uh-oh! I hope this does not work on goats or I will be saying Maaaeow

tahtimbo said...

That is too funny! It's true then: the cats are slowly taking over the world :)

Sparkle said...

Angel, you need to be careful with the laser eyes - they are not supposed to be passed around freely!

Admiral Hestorb said...

You ladies are just...shall I...dare I say it? the cat's meow!

Laura said...

I think when cats and dogs live together, they pick up traits from each other. I always thought Rocky and Autumn acted more like cats at times - LOL!

Anonymous said...

You can meow if you want to Sadie but I hope you don't start using the litter box!!

roseworksjewelry said...


Reeni said...

That's so funny! Hope you don't do kitty voo doo on me! Love, Mooon

Golden Woofs! SUGAR said...

Woof! Woof! You guys are having some FUN FUN. Sadie, sure you can meow. Lots of Golden Woofs, Sugar