It's been purrty warm here this week so Mommy opened the window for me to enjoy the fresh air and watch for birdies.

I should have know that I can't do anything alone with my sisfurs around.

Does this happen in your house too?
Hope you are having a lovely Purrsday!
Never mind, think how lonely yoo'd be wiv no fur siblings!
I know how you feel Angel. Sometimes it would be nice to have some alone time.
Now don't forget to visit Claudia and I at our new home. Grampy and You will be moving to Grampys World.
Usually Spunky and I watch out the window separately. We share the same chair sometimes but not too often and usually lay by different heaters too and share only on rare occasions.
I understand how sometimes it's nice to do things on your own ~ but doesn't the world look a little more beautiful with someone you love beside you?
Have a fun day with your sisfurs Angel!
My mommy and I do efurrything together ;-)
That definitely happens here too, Angel! Even Mommy complains that she can't do anything on her own without Deli and I with her or watching her!
Lucky you. I wish we could open a window here. As my Dad used to say, we would be heating the great outdoors. Enjoy the fresh air.
Whenever I have any fun, Harley always comes around to ruin my good time!
I'm pretty sure this happens in every home! Not much alone time when you have your family around. That's a good thing.
Angel, you are so lucky to have your sisfurs :)
Our house too! Effuryone is SO nosey!!!
Everybody in the house should be able to enjoy the fresh air...
That does happen in our house when the window is open sometimes, but mostly every cat tried to find their own open window to enjoy - otherwise it can cause a fight (but I think that is a boy thing).
I know what you mean - it seems like every time I turn around, one of my roommates is there... or my human. Don't they realize that everykitty needs some ALONE time?
My cat looks like you ... the tail, the color. But, she LIVES outdoors. I bet secretly, you enjoy sharing the view!
Oh, my GOSH (as my daughter says). Someone is always trying to follow and copy someone else. You can imagine the traffic jam! And the messes:)
How cute!! Wow - fresh air!!
Yes it happens in our house also
but only NOT with the window open
(Kareltje will run away :(
Duke is an only furchild but he does follow one of us around wherever we go.
Phantom would love to have some alone time, but TD never lets that happen:) Nice to see you all as one happy furamily.
Woos, Phantom and Thunder
What a great shot!
Hi Sadie!
Keep those sisfurs in line!
Khyra & Khousin Merdie
I know what you mean! I always have a couple of big black noses following me around. LOL
Julie Magers Soulen Photography
Blog of Note
Okay, first I just want to say that I am VERY jealous that you can open your windows for some fresh air!! We are still FREEZING here. Ugh.
I love when the first warm days of spring are here and everyone lifts their noses to catch a whiff of spring air!
Fursisses are pests but also company, right? And those birds look good enough to eat!
Yes, Angel. Things tend to happen in a crowd in our house too! Company is always nice when sharing good moments. Don't you think?
Have a purfect day!!
Anne ^i^
If one of us finds something interesting out there, we send out a silent signal and everysibe else comes running! Then we all stare out there!
Play bows,
This happens here, too...minus the puppy, of course. I usually have to open the window wider, because they both want to breathe the fresh air.
You don't want to be an only kitty do you?
That doesn't happen in my house! My Grandpa has a kitty but he doesn't like me. He stays on his half of the house and I stay on mine. I wish we could be friends though. It's good to have sisfurrs Angel. Love, Moon
It's good to have friends (they can help you catch the birdies!!)
Haha, this looks like a scene at my house, everyone shoving their way to the open window!
Yes it does Angel, especially with the crackling of paper!
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