The current EtsyBloggers blog carnival topics were chosen by me! The topics I chose are:
1) Now that 2009 has come to a close, what will you remember most about last year?
2) Now that 2010 is here, what do you have planned/look forward to/hope to accomplish this year?
Hmmm. It was easier to choose the topics than to write about them! Well, I'll start with how in 2009 I got really close to 100 total sales in my Etsy shop - ending the year with 96. And thanks to my customers, I was able to donate $686.50 to charity in 2009, up from $407 in 2008! YAY! Hopefully 2010 will be an even better year!

Another thing I'll remember from 2009 is doing my first craft shows. They are a lot of work but sure are a lot of fun. I plan to do more this year too!

One thing I hope to accomplish in 2010 is to get the ball rolling on the non-profit I have in mind to help terminally ill people find homes for their pets. Eventually I want to expand this to include seniors, people affected by unexpected disabilities, and others affected by things out of their control who need help finding homes for their pets to keep them out of the shelters. Keep your paws crossed that I accomplish this!

Hope you have good memories of 2009 and wonderful things on the agenda for 2010!
Sounds like things are really taking off for you. Good luck with your crafts and all the best 2010 has to offer in EVERYTHING else!!!
What a terrific idea for a non-profit! I'll keep my hooves crossed you are able to make it a reality :o) I will tell you quite honestly though, that the 501c3 paperwork is awful; it took us almost a year to get approved. Congratulations on your sales, too - Woo!
Wow. That's wonderful that you were able to donate that much monies. We're purring for you to achieve your goals in 2010 too because we animals need all the help we can get!
Good for you on all your sales and donation ~ that's terrific!
What a beautiful idea for an organization to help terminally ill people to find homes for their beloved pets! I can't imagine being sick and having to worry about your furry-friend too.
You are a beautiful person!
That idea of finding homes for animals of terminally ill people is just fantastic. I hope that works for you. I would give anything to be able to do that. I was going to do the 501 deal, but I couldn't afford the lawyer and also there is some charge every year. But I sure hope it works and I would be glad to be on your committee if you need any help other than money. And good for you to make all those donations.
That non-profit sounds wonderful! I sure could have used that when my dad died. He left 3 cats behind that I couldn't take.
We think you have great ideas for 2010, and we hope that you get your non-profit off the ground!
Congrats on the store sales increase too!
Sharla, you're a beautiful person with a huge heart and generous nature. That's a superb cause to work toward in 2010. Sammy and I wish you all the best towards achieving this goal!
And beautiful photos of Sadie and Angel, as always :)
What a good thing you are doing with your time and money. You are a good soul Sharla!
Sounds like a wonderful idea, helping people in serious circumstances find homes for their dogs and cats. Our animal rescue organizations say that the economy has left many animals homeless. People lose their homes and jobs and just can't keep their pets. Heartbreaking.
Congrats on your growing sales.
It sure sounds like a successful year! And in this economy--that's really good news.
Sounds like a wonderful plan for the future, good luck with that, our furry friends need all the help they can get!
2009 sounds like it was a good one :)
And I LOVE the plans you have for 2010!!! Paws crossed your dreams becomes reality!!!
Angel, with purrty paws like yours, I am sure you will accomplish your goals!
Those are really wonderful goals for 2010. Puts some of us to shame for just having a goal to exercise more!
Sounds like things are doing nothing but looking up for you! This year WILL be a better year! We think what you're doing is a wonderful thing and we LOVE the pictures today! Mom would LOVE to do a craft show (but, she says she has to get back into making crafts first!)
Great accomplishments for 2009! Congrats to you!! May 2010 bring you to even greater heights!
Sadie and Angel look so happy in those pics AND proud of all their Mom has accomplished. We are in awe of your new goal - what a wonderful project - lots of good luck getting it going.
Woos, Phantom and Thunder
Pimp and Moo will cross their paws for you just like Angel!
What a great year. Here's to an even better 2010! :)
Congrats on 09 being a better year than 08. I wish you even more sales in 10! BTW, your fur babies are lovely!
I'm sure Sadie was furry instrumental in making it happen too!
Just look at THAT face!
Paws khrossed fur an even better 2010!
PeeEssWoo: Way to go Sadie!
Wow, you have an ambitious agenda. I most certainly hope you achieve all you want to...wonderful cause.
congratulations on a successful 2009 and all the the best of wishes for an even better 2010. I like your ideas about helping people find homes for their pets.
YOur generosity is inspiring!
What a wonderful plan for 2010!
Good luck...
Once you get the pet rescue thing in motion, holler. You know I'll help in any way I can.
what a great idea for a non-profit. I don't think everyone understands what an emotional problem it is, trying to find a home for a pet that's already had a home and parents. I know a lot of friends who are having to find homes for their parent's pets... they can't even take care of themselves! And wow- LOTS of sales! Congrats.
That sounds like a great plan for 2010. And congratulations on 2009
Your non-profit sounds wonderful - there is a HUGE need for that! Looking forward to hearing more about it this year. Blessings to you!
Congrats on a good year! It's great that you're supporting such fine nonprofit organizations.
Best wishes for your 2010!
Here is to an excellent 2010, we have our paws crossed too :)
That's excellent about your sales and all the money you donated! Your non-profit is a great idea - I wish you the best of luck with it! Angel looks so pretty - and so serious. Love, Moon & Reeni
Congratulations Sharla, on the success of your Etsy shop! You are a very generous and kind person to donate your earnings to charity...I wish you much success in 2010!
Congratulations on a successful 2009! You have a big and generous heart. We wish you all the best in 2010.
I have a cool Foxy Friday Quiz inspired by Rumblebum over at my place today so swing by if you have a chance!
(Glogirly's cat)
Sharla - your selfishness is truly rewarded. There are so many pets that need homes and care, thank God for people like you who donate not only their time and love, but unselfishly part of your Etsy sales.
In 2010 I look forward to following the adventures of your kitty's!
wonderful, Sharla! May you have success in all areas!
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