Why do they call something that is diagonal from you catty-corner or kitty-corner? Don't they know what a catty-corner really is?

Which term do you use in your neck of the woods? We say catty-corner around here since that's what Mommy and Daddy learned growing up a squillon years ago in Kansas. When Mommy hears someone saying kitty-corner, it makes her giggle. Yeah, she's weird.
We don't have a corner ~ 'cos the WHOLE howse is ours! Tee hee!
Em...not sure exactly what a catty-corner is, but like Milo & Alfie - all corners of the house are mine ;-)
Catty-corner, most definitely :o)
I say kitty corner.
Good morning Angel. I am going to tell you something. Now don't tell anyone. I never heard of catty-corner. We say Kitty-corner over here.
Maybe it is just me.
We don't use a similiar expression in German, so we think both are cool.
; )
Well our Mom was born a million years ago too, so she calls it catty corner. Glad to hear that expression again. Take care.
Tell your mom to start giggling 'cuz our mom says kitty-corner... ;-)
Kitty-corner here in Saskatchewan! I never heard of catty-corner before. But I agree with everyone else, kitties get the whole house ~ :)
Catty cornered, of course!
Kitty corner here too! I think it might be a Canadian thing...
This is funny, because many are saying they never heard of catty-corner, but WE never heard the expression "kitty-corner"! The online Merriam Webster dictionary gives both, saying it comes from "cater-corner" where cater means four.
we called it KIDDY-corner....but maybe b/c as kids we heard everything as being related to us :P
Simba...very cool! Gotta love the internet :)
Hm, that is very interesting, I never really thought about it before. I say kitty-corner but I know others who say catty-corner.
It's kitty corner in our neck of the woods.
And my former students from up north would giggle whenever I would say "y'all". I guess we all have our quirks:)Thank goodness it is not so much that we cannot communicate with others!
We always say "catty-corner" here! And we also stand "in" line, not "on" line!
I would say "kitty-corner". I grew up in Northern Virginia, but I don't know if that is typical of that area. My father came from Upstate New York and my mother came from Sweden and learned English from my father.
Nice post!
Looks like a good set up for a cat!
I always say kitty corner. I think the original comes from middle English or French cater. It is an odd expression.
I love your Catty-Corner :)
I say caddy-corner.
Our beans use Catty~Corner, but even they don't really get why it's called THAT! We know...cats RULE!
The publicist says catty corner or all cattywampus but she is moving into a round house now and hmmmmm.....
I say catty-corner.I might just have to do a google search to figure out how the term came to be.
Your little sweetheart gives the term a whole new meaning.
Yep, we don't get the kitty-catty-corner thing here either. All corners belong to us, and the floors and the ceilings, and the airspace that sits between all of it. And everything else.
I have no cat corner
the whole house is mine :-)
Kareltje =^.^=
I honestly can't remember which way I've said it. It's been a bazillion years since I've used the phrase :)
My grandmother said catty-cornered. But the real word that both kitty-cornered and catty-cornered is "catercornered"...cater from French 'quatre', four. + corner - Four cornered. The other phrases are based on regional dialect.
i've never really understood what catty-corner meant. but i love your definition the best!
Khyra & Khousin Merdie
PeeEssWoo: Hi Sadie!
We say catty corner, and we like your catty corner.
I've always said kitty corner :)
Mom says as a New Englander, she learned it as kitty-corner, but now as a Kansan she hears catty=corner. Here is what she found on a google search:
This expression, meaning “diagonally opposite,” was formed from a misspelling in English of the French word quatre (“four”) prefixed to “corner.” Although the word has nothing to do with cats or kittens, in various dialects all three spellings are acceptable: “catty,” “cater” or “kitty.”
We like the kitty in the corner, thank you.
Play bows, Phantom and Thunder
We use both here. The expression the troubles us is that "cattywompus" -- it sounds like someone is about to get hurt!
Play bows,
We don't have those but we think this should be the subject of international academic debate. How about pussy tray?
Our mewmie said she doesn't even know what it means, but if it has the word kitty or cat in it, she is sure it means something like 4 cats peeing in each corner of a room, hahameow
I don't think my Mommy uses that expression. Kitty corner is funny! You look so serious here Angel. I wonder what your thinking? Love, Moon
I haven't heard anyone use the term in decades! I don't even remember what it means.
Awhuooffhmph... Missie says that it is Kitty Corner - guess it is.
Lova and Cookie go to check out the truth of that with Pal and Forrest who, being feline, will know.
Cute cat!!
Ah, for you sisfurs, I think this will be both!
ROTFLOL re: some of the above comments...
catty corner (I grew up outside Washington, DC in Maryland>)
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