Yay it's Sadieday! Today I thought I'd show you what I have to put up while out on MY deck. No, I don't mean the ugly old rock patch that Mommy and Daddy didn't get finished with before the winter rains started. I mean up higher.

Do you see it now? That's the neighbor cat Annie Buttons spying on me.

She has a bell on her collar so I always hear her in MY yard but when I chase look for her, she goes up on her deck and watches me.

By summer, there will be lots of vines and flowers on her deck railing so she won't be able to spy on me anymore. And also hopefully by summer the ugly old rock patch will actually be a pretty flower garden that I can run in look at instead of the cat.
Hope you enjoy your Sadieday!
Sadie thanks for the view of the backyard. Your neighbor cat doesn't look very friendly. In our yard all you can see is snow.
Hmmm, wonder why she's spying on you so much Sadie? Maybe she wants Isabella and Angel to come out and play?
lol ~ oh Sadie ~ that is cute how Annie Buttons spys on you. Perhaps she just wants to play with you, Angel and Isabella. She looks a little scared. Maybe one day you will make friends with her!
What a lovely backyard you have Sadie. Too bad about the nosy neighbor.
Sadie, we can't wait til the garden is done. And that kitty might want to be your friend. Or maybe it is scared of you. Cats are very wary of dogs you know. Great pictures.
Tell that mean ol' kitty to quit spying on you!
I hope your Mommy and Daddy get your pretty flowers put in :)
Hi Sadie! I'm sure that patch will become a beautiful flower garden! Nice of Annie to say 'hello'
Happy Sadieday!
Maybe she heard you are a good pal to your sister kitties and is trying to figure out how to be your furiend too.
We hope you enjoy your Sadie day too.
Woos, Phantom and Thunder
Love the mossy rocks! I'm looking out my back window at the snow right now. Another 4" today *sigh*
I know your pain!
After all, I have Butterskhotch and Brofur to stare at me too!
I know woo just want to say 'HI' to that 'nice' khytty!
I hate neighbors too, Sadie.
I don't think it's very nice of her to spy on you, Sadie! Do you think maybe Angel or Isabella could tell her to go mind her own beeswax for you?
Kitties just like to observe. Just observe....
I guess girls can be peeping toms too, LOL.
She is just admiring you;-)
Hi Sadi
I think Anni is a nice cat
she was only looking at you ;)
Next time say woof woof ..
and she is your friend !!
Hugs Kareltje =^.^=
It took me a minute to spot her. She seems to be your secret admirer. Does she help you keep the squirrels out of your yard?
Have a happy Sadieday! You certainly put a smile on my face:)
It's been a busy day today and I'm just now doing my daily reading ...I think that's pretty cat - Be Nice!
I think she like you Sadie! She's just too shy. Or maybe cause your bigger than her... Happy Sadieday! Love Moon
We think she looks like a nice kitty and might be a cool pal.
Sniffie and the Florida Furkids
Our sisfur, Forrest, likes to lay on the other side of the fence and tease us. *woorf* why do cats do these things???
Lova and Cookie
We hope yoo had a lovely day Sadie.
LOL Sadie! I didn't see her until the 2nd picture... I bet she has a ha ha secret and can still see you through the flowers and vines.
Your yard is beautiful...
Oh that pesky cat!! Hiding from you!
sneaky Annie Buttons!
What lovely dreams of summer, Sadie!
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