Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Wordless Wednesday


Milo and Alfie said...

Oh Angel ~ yoo look beautiful!

Jen said...

I may not know exactly what "it" was, but Angel definitely looks like she did it ~ then put herself in time out. Too cute! :o)

Duni said...

Perfect posing, Angel ;-)

Catherine said...

hmmm...Angel does indeed look like she got caught doing something! She's so sweet I'm sure it's not anything that can't be forgiven! Kiss to you Angel!

The Monkeys said...

You look like you're in a time out, Angel! So cute!!!

The Creek Cats said...

Angel, you're looking absolutely precious today!

Lin said...

What fun is a box if you can't go in it???

Buggys said...

Playing King/Queen of the hill?

✿A 'n' L✿ said...

Oh my oh my,
Look at you! BEAUTIFUL!!!
And we think we wanna hugs you, right now!

Lots of ♡ ♡ ♡ ,
Alex & Lolo

storybeader said...

looks like Angel is boxed in a corner? At least she has a window!

Meghann said...

LOL. ...are you "boxed" into a corner? HaHAHA!
Have a great day!
Meg and Arwen

Memories for Life said...

There must be something really impawtent in're guarding it really well :)

Hot Rocks said...

Angel...why do you look so guilty? (She looks like the cat that swallowed the canary!)

Daisy said...

What a sweet face you have, Angel!

Roses and Lilacs said...

Her eyes are a big as saucers. She looks like someone just yelled BOOO:)

Split Rock Ranch said...


Anonymous said...

Did you do something wrong? "Nobody puts Baby in the corner!"

Rose Clearfield said...

If you can't sit in a box, the next best thing is to sit on top of it!

Erika said...

Angel, are you expecting a gift inside that box?

missbreezysbox said...

You look like your confused Angel. Ask Mom what exactly you did. You do go with all the decor in the corner-oh, maybe thats it. You are now the corner vase.

Amy & the house of cats said...

Angel you look very cute - but also a little surprised! I bet you didn't expect that flashy box to be out right then!

Anonymous said...

That photo deserves a clever caption...

tahtimbo said...

That is a purrfect pose. It looks like Angel is having a "time out".

Marg said...

Angel, you sure are pretty. Looks like you would like to be in that box and not on top of it. You do look like you put yourself in the corner.

Ann said...

why are you in the corner Angel? Are you on a time out?

brokenteepee said...

Aaaah, guardian of the box!

Anya said...

When I see you Angel
I'm always wordless ....

Kareltje =^.^=

Grampy said...

She is a cutie and she knows.Head high and proud.

NAK and The Residents of The Khottage Now With KhattleDog! said...

Did someone put Angel in the khorner?

PeeEssWoo: Hi Sadie!

Tracy said...

Love that look on her face!

(angel) Grrreta and Fam said...

What a sweet face! You look adorable.

VetTech said...

Why is it if there was nothing in the house but a box...the cat would still be sitting on it?

Reeni said...

Your sitting so perfectly in the corner Angel. Are you posing? You look so pretty! Love, Moon

The Island Cats said...

Angel, you look so cute there! Was that box put there as a perch so you can reach the window??

Lisa said...

That look on your face is priceless! Haha!

Anonymous said...

Haha, too sweet! I was packing a box tonight full of gifts for my parents & sisters. Sure enough my cat Milo jumped in. Maybe he wants to go visit...

Unknown said...

What a sweet cat-face. But you seem troubled not to be able to get into the box! Such is life sometimes!