Happy Tortie Tuesday! I was just laying here in my box thinking about all the turkey we're going to get in a few days.

And I'm also noticing that my box is getting a little snug.

Maybe I shouldn't eat so much this Thanksgiving. Nah. I'll just get a bigger box!

Hope you have a great Tortie Tuesday!
Oooh...that's a tight fit, Isabella. But you look cute anyway :)
I know the feeling Isabella....lol
Wise move to get a bigger box 'cos the box has obviously shrunked! Tee hee!
Hahahaha! That's funny Isabella. Of course you will eat as much turkey as pawsible, it's Thanksgiving only once a year!
Will they have to roll you to the table next year?
You are so purrrtiful, and yes your Mommy is right... you and Georgie Girl look very much alike! Cept she is old enough to be your GGGrand at 14!
Oh Isabella ~ you are my kind of gal! Indeed ~ that is why they make bigger boxes!!! Eat what you want for Turkey day ~ you are beautiful at any size!
What a beautiful kitty...and great blog..
Dorothy from grammology
We agree, just get a bigger box and eat all the turkey you want!
Yup...go with a bigger box :) It's way more fun that way!
Samson thinks that boxes shrink after usage..we think that's the case with your boxes too, Isabella!
That's my plan too. Get a bigger box! Lol! Happy Thanksgiving!
Don't worry Isabella, you're not the only one who needs a bigger box. Hope you have a very Happy Thanksgiving!
Now THAT'S the way to think!!! NOM it up girlfurriend!
Mom said she knows how you feel. Which strikes me as odd, since I don't think she sits in boxes. Go figure!
Play bows,
Getting a bigger box is always a good plan!
Enjoy your turkey!
You re such a pretty Tortie. And for sure just get a bigger box. Bet there is one around somewhere. Happy Thanksgiving to you and all of your family.
Definitely - a bigger box!
It's nice isn't it that boxes come in bigger sizes. lol
And the beauty of unsnapping one's jeans when wearing a top that's not tucked in!
No matter what size the box - if you call it home, that's the place to be. Have a wonderful Thanksgiving, Isabella (mommy and family too)
Anne ^i^
You can't not eat TURKEY. A bigger box is just what you need.
Why do kitties think that they can fit into even the tiniest of boxes??! I like your positive thinking! :)
That's how the hoomans do it!
Just buy the next size!
My word is CATIMP . . . does that apply to the two of woo?
PeeEssWoo: Hi Sadie!
Those are just plain cute.
Tortie in a box! Your face in that last picture is just too much, Isabella.
Oh yeah, a bigger box is the BEST solution!
Haha! Getting a bigger box is a much better idea, Isabella!!
Hehe I would agree, that box is a bit snug!
My Mom told me to make sure my hubby eats really light so that he can eat turkey and such with no qualms. As if that is going to stop anyone!!!:)
You think just like me Isabella! Turkey is my most favorite! Love, Moon
I'm with you - bring on the bigger box!
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