Happy Sadieday! Since Mommy has been so busy and it's also been raining so much, our stroll schedule is all messed up but I told Mommy we HAD to go on a stroll on Sadieday so come along with me! When we started out, there was some sun shining in our cul-de-sac and it wasn't raining.

But as soon as we got on our trail, it started raining.

A little rain doesn't stop us does it Mommy? Let's keep on going!

There were so many leaves I sorta blended in but can you see my white hiney?

Mommy wanted me to pose - in the rain! I wouldn't put my ears up but I was wagging my tail!

Time to head home and dry off.

Hope you enjoyed your stroll with me! Thanks for coming along!
Have a great Sadieday!
We hope the rain didn't stop play! It's impawtant to get outside rain or shine.
I hope you have a wonderful day
Same kind of weather over here, I'm afraid...but looks like you still enjoyed it, Sadie!!!
Happy Sadieday!
Your leash and the red maple looked pawsome in the first pic. It's raining here too, sigh. We're glad you got to go on a nice stroll!
Woof! Happy Saturday to you too. Lots of Golden Woofs, Sugar
Love our Sadieday strolls!
What a nice walk. It was good to go and stay dry. Thanks.
Glad you got your Sadieday stroll.It is raining like crazy over here.You are lucky you made it through without getting too wet.I hope the walk wasn't shortened.
Glad to see you're not letting anything get in the way of your Sadieday walks :)
You look cute wet or dry :)
Happy Sadieday indeed! It is cool here - but no rain. A good day to put up my Christmas tree...so I think I shall! Have a lovely day Sadie!
Uh oh. I think WE accidentally got your sunshine today. But rainy days are nice too and we're glad it didn't stop you from going on your stroll.
I'm glad you had a nice stroll, despite the rain. I'm not sure we will ever see the sun again!
That's so neat that you have a trail by your house. It looks real pretty. I hope your all dry and warm now Sadie. Happy Sadieday! Love Moon
Too bad it was raining! It looks like the colors are still there. Happy walk, Sadie and Mommy!
Pawesome stroll!
Tank woo fur sharing your khute white hiney and wagging tail with us!
Happy Sadieday
We walk always with you Sadie
also in the rain .......
I love your pose photo in the rain
Hugs from us
Kareltje =^.^=
Seems like at least the rain wasn't too bad so you got a walk in. I notice that as long as it's just a bit of a rain, like a mist, that our dog and me both are OK with it. But once it starts really coming down, then it's time to go back inside.
We were out strolling today too - just the merest hint of rain tho...
YEAH! Nothing beats a good walk! The only things that stop us are ice storms and lightning. When you got home, did you roll around on your parents' bed to finish drying off? Ha roo roo roo. Not that I'd do that or anything.
Play bows,
Good for you for sticking with the walks! How else are those deer supposed to know who is Boss of the trail?
We always enjoy a stroll with you, Sadie, even in the rain. That red shrub in the first pic s so pretty.
woos, the OP Pack
Not even the rain can stop you from having a good stroll! I love that red bush... what is that?
It is nice to get out isn't it?
We haven't had rain - just cold *brrrrr* but we have a nice porch that is cozy and warm when we aren't inside. Glad you had a fun walk!
Lova and Cookie
We didn't have rain, but we did have some snow. Thanks for the great stroll. It was wonderful exercise after writing all day and I didn't even get wet ;)
Enjoyed the stroll with you! We had a whole week of rain a couple weeks ago and our dog, Abby, didn't mind it at all. My husband wasn't very happy about it though. It seemed every time it was time to walk her, it would rain. She's always ready to go outside though, rain or shine.
rain or no, it looks like a beautiful place to stroll!
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